Chapter 7 Beach

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Sorry this chapter took so long! I I was having problems with my laptop! Please comment, vote, and share my story please(: Thanks!

Chapter 7:

"This is the best night of my life Niall."

I murmured not even looking up at him, just playing with the ends of my hair. I could feel him looking at me, so I looked up, to see his face beaming.

"That's what I'm hoping for. We haven't even gotten to the best part yet though!"

Niall spoke, taking my chin in his hand, tilting my head back to give me a quick kiss. He looked into my eyes, then looked out the window as the car was slowing to a stop.

"We're here!"

He said starring out the window.

"We are where!?"

I said starting to get a little aggravated not knowing where we were going. I was fake pouting, and slapped my hands on my knees.

"Stop being so adorable."

"I just can't help it I guess."

I said fluttering my eyes at him. we both laughed and got out of the car. It was pretty dark, considering it was almost 11:00. We walked down the road, hand in hand, with no one around. it was a really romantic night. The starts were out, with no sign of clouds in the sky for miles. Eventually we got to the end of the road, leading to the beach.

"This isn't that special to me, I live on the beach practically!"

I teased him. He looked at me with a silly face, being over dramatic.

"I'm so hurt!"

He teased back putting his hand on his chest. I laughed.

"I actually have a special place I found earlier today."

He smirked at me.

We both began to take off our shoes so we could walk in the sand. Being the gentleman he is, he offered to hold mine, so I let him. We started to walk down the beach, hand in hand, enjoying the cool ocean breeze.

"So where are we going?"

I asked him pleading for an answer.

"You'll see! Gosh, you just don't have any patience do you?"

Niall said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"None at all!"

I replied laughing. Since he wouldn't tell me where we were going, I decided I would get him back. He was looking out at the ocean, about to say something, when I stuck my foot out and tripped him. He fell into the sand, looking up at me with a shocked expression on his face. He looked so cute.

"Oh I'm gonna get you now!"

I screached a little and darted off in the other direction. He got up chasing me, as I looked back, he was extremely close to catching me. Damn he was fast! I kept running giggling, then the next thing I knew, he grabbed me by my waist, and we both fell to the ground in the sand, laughing our asses off. By now he was on top of me, with my hands pinned on either side my head.

"I told you I would get you. I think you just wanted me to chase after you."

"Eh, that's a possibility."

I said with a cheeky grin. He looked down at my lips, and bit his bottom lip. He let go of my arms, and leaned down towards me. I put my hands on his face, and leaned up to meet his lips to mine. The kiss was passionate. and full of playful lust. It was the perfect moment, he rolled over, with our lips still together, having me on top of him now. We started to make out, our lips and tongues moving as one. It was the best kiss I've ever had, under the moonlit sky on the sand. He put one hand on my back, and the other around my neck. He pulled me down closer to him, so I was laying on him. I had one hand in his hair, and the other in sand for support. He rolled me over so he was on top again, our lips never leaving each others. He left a few soft kisses on my neck, and said quietly,

"I think we should get to that spot I found now."

"Sounds good to me."

He had the biggest smile on his face, and I couldn't help but smile too. My cheeks were probably as red as a tomato as he got up, offering his hand to help me up. He pulled me to his side, putting his arm around my shoulder, and I put my arms wrapped arounf his torso. We went on our way, and as we got closer, he got behind me and put his hands over my eyes.

"You can't look! We are almost to the spot!"

"Fine I won't look! You better not let me fall."

I teased him.

"If you did, I would catch you in a heartbeat."

He whispered in my ear. I could tell he was smiling, and I smiled too as we walked further, slowing down to a stop.

"Okay! Here we are!"

He removed his hands from my eyes, and revealed a really pretty spot, with a hammock tied between two palm trees, and a small beach bonfire in front of it. I love the smell of a bonfire on the beach. The cool ocean air, mixed with the burning of the fire wood. There was also a little picnic sat by the fire with things to make smores, and some fruit. There was also some strawberry banana juice too.

"I texted Paul and told him about the spot. I asked him to put the picnic here, and make sure the fire was going on our way over here."

"Oh my gosh.. Its so pretty! How sweet are you!? Look at the lights on the trees! And the fire! Aweeee how did you find this place!? I love hammocks too by the way! Always wanted one."

"I guess I'm just a secret romantic deep down."

He smiled and pulled me in for a tight hug. I was so excited to spend the night here with him. Just us two, enjoying each others company on the beach.

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