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Closing up at the end of the night is one of my favorite parts of my job. Yes, I own the Drury Lane Bakery, but I love going home and sleeping so I can get to the second best part of my job. I love opening in the morning, and baking sweets and treats for the citizens of Storybrooke to enjoy. It had always been my dream, and thanks to the very generous loan from Mr. Gold I was able to open it. My bakery has been open for many years and I am happy to say that I have paid back the Loan that Mr. Gold. The only thing that I have to pay is rent so I am able to stay in this spot on the main street.

As I am locking up, basket of leftovers on my arm, I see a new car come down the street. The yellow VW Bug stops suddenly and a tall blonde woman gets out of the driver's side and slams the door shut. Then a familiar little boy gets out of the passenger side and walks over to the strange woman. I can't hear what they are talking about, but I start to walk over. As I get closer I notice Dr. Archie Hopper walking his adorable Dalmatian, and heading towards Henry and the woman.

"Henry, What are you doin' here?" The kind doctor asked.

"Is everything alright?" I added. We both stood in front of them and wondered who this strange woman was, and why Henry was with her.

"I'm fine Archie, Ava." Henry went to go pet Pongo, and that reminded me of something that I had been saving. I pulled out a treat for Pongo that I had made this morning. I handed it to Henry so he could give it to the beautiful Dalmatian. He smiled at me as Archie started to talk to the stranger.

"Who's this?"

"Just someone trying to give him a ride home." She did not seem pleased to be here so late at night. I don't know where she came from, but I do not blame her one bit.

"She's my mom Archie." What? What did he say? I shared a concerned glance with Dr. Hopper.

"Oh. I see." We said at the same time. The woman seemed super uncomfortable. It was cold outside, but not enough for her to be trying to maintain body heat, by crossing her arms over her body, when she had a nice leather coat on.

"Either of you know where he lives?"

"Yeah, sure." We said

"Just right up on Mufflin Street." Archie explained.

"The Mayor's house is the biggest one on the block." I expended. Her expression seemed to morph into one of surprise, mouth slightly agape.

"You're the Mayor's kid?" Henry looked at the wet asphalt under his feet.

"Uh..maybe." Henry avoided eye contact with everyone in front of him.

"Hey, where were you today? You missed your session." I heard from Archie earlier that the young boy had missed his appointment, and he had gotten quite worried. I calmed him down with a free cupcake, and some comforting words.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I went on a field trip." It is a partial truth. His eyes still not meeting anyone else's. Archie kneeled in front of him.

"Henry, what did I tell you about lying?" Henry didn't answer him, so Archie continued. "Giving into one's dark side never accomplishes anything." I looked at the blonde woman, and her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Oookay. Well, I really should be getting him home."

"Yeah, sure, well listen. Have a good night, and ah you be good Henry." The woman gave Archie a fake smile as he walked away. Then she turned to me.

Baker's Apprentice Who Lives In A ShoeWhere stories live. Discover now