Waking Up

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A/N: Another chapter, yay! I know this one is a little shorter than usual, but I wanted to show what Ava thinks as she is waking up in Storybrooke. I hope you enjoy.


I feel like my head is going to burst. What has happened to me? I feel like I have memories of two lives, and I'm trying to sort them out. Maybe that is why I feel so much pain. I don't want to open my eyes. The last thing I remember is that I put on a necklace, my necklace, and then I blacked out. I must be in the hospital. Who brought me here? Is anyone visiting me? I just broke up with Archie, or is it Jiminy? Would he come and visit me? Who would be here when I open my eyes? Would anyone be here?

I feel someone grab my hand. It feels so familiar. Yes. I know this hand. It is the hand of my true love. The corners of my mouth pull up into a slight smile. I feel so safe. I feel like nothing can harm me. These two sets of memories are pulling me in slightly different directions. One set of memories reminds me of how he used to be, and the other set reminds me that he let me be who I thought I was. He never forced me to remember, and I love him for that. The feeling of his lips softly pressing against my temple gets my attention.

"You can open your eyes, my love." He whispers in my ear. My smile grows.

"Why would I?" I answer. "I feel the best I have ever felt right now. In the limbo between consciousness and unconsciousness." He rested his forehead against mine.

"I'm sure it is a blissful feeling, but I wish to gaze into your eyes once again." He always knows what to say to me. Slowly I open my eyes and look into the eyes of my true love. He looks as he did before he became the Dark One. It makes me think back to those times. Sure, they were a hard time in both of our lives, but it was a great time in many ways as well. "There you are." He said with a huge smile on his face. We just looked into each other's eyes for I don't know how long, until someone cleared their throat. We looked towards the person. It was a doctor. Oh, what is his name? Whale, I think. Yes, Dr. Whale, that is his name.

"I see you have finally woken up." He says stating the obvious. "We have run some tests, while you were unconscious. We have gathered that what you experienced was just a massive migraine. I recommend that you see your regular physician for a follow up, but once you feel up to it you are free to leave. I already completed all of your discharge paperwork."

"Thank you." I said with a smile before the man left. I look over to Mr. Gold, or is it Rumpelstiltskin? I guess it is both, but in this world I should call him Mr. Gold. "Well, Mr. Gold, what should we do now? Should we go back to your place, or would that be too suspicious?" He smiled before softly laughing.

"We can do whatever you wish." He answered. "Who cares what anyone thinks in this town? We've never cared before, and I am one of the most powerful people here, if not the most powerful." That made me smile at how much he gloated, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I feel as if I should be making up for lost time. My Storybrooke counterpart did not spend a lot of time with him, and I was craving his presence and touch. He hugged me around the waist, but remained sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed. This was a new chapter in our lives and I cannot wait for the rest of our story to continue.

A/N: Thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. I mentioned this before, but I really wanted to show their relationship, and Ava's mindset as she is waking up in Storybrooke.

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