Snow Falls

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A couple days went by, and there was nothing that happened out of the ordinary. I woke up from strange dreams, went to work, brought Granny breads and pastries, went back to work, closed up shop at my usual time, and went to bed. Today, though, on my way back to my apartment I saw Mary Margaret inside Granny's. But, she wasn't alone. Dr. Whale was with her. I got curious, so I stopped in to get something to eat. I went straight to the counter hoping Mary Margaret wouldn't see me. Ruby walked up to me with a menu, but I was starving and I already knew what I wanted.

"Just the burger and a soda." I said. She smiled at me and went to put the order into the back. When she came back to wipe down the counter in front of me I couldn't help but ask about my friend. "So, how long have they been here." They only had beverages in front of them, so I figured that they had already eaten. Ruby looked behind me at the two sitting at one of the small tables.

"Well, I would say a little over an hour, but I don't know if it is going to well for Dr. Whale. Mary Margaret keeps spacing out when he talks." Wow, she must really not be into him. She does space out a lot, though. Ruby sets down my soda and gets my burger and we continue to talk. We talk about a lot of things, like guys that Ruby is attracted to, and that she wants to have a girl's night soon. With my schedule, it is almost impossible to do that, but I do think it would be a great way for me to relax a little. As I started to eat my meal Ruby walked around the diner cleaning the tables and picking up the dirty dishes left on said tables. I start to listen into Mary Margaret and Dr. Whale's conversation.

"I mean, obviously I don't want fifteen kids of my own. I mean, not that I don't want kids, I do. I want kids, marriage, true love, I want it all. But, that of course is..." I hear Mary Margaret trail off. I take the last bite of my burger and slightly turn to see that Dr. Whale is staring at Ruby bending over a table to clean it.

"Ruby," I call to get her attention. "Could I get the check, please?" She comes over and helps me out. "I will also play for their meals as well." She looked at me like I was the craziest person in the room. I don't know, maybe I am. Then I hear Mary Margaret call Ruby over. She asks for the check, but Ruby tells her that I am paying for it. I put the money for both checks on the counter and get up to leave. I hear someone walk up to me, and I turn to see Mary Margaret.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Of course I did. I didn't want you paying for a date that went catastrophically wrong." I shoot a glare in Dr. Whale's direction. "Plus, he has done the same thing to me." She smiled at me and gave me a hug that I didn't know I needed. "Why don't you head out. I have to talk to Ruby about something real quick." She nodded and headed outside of the diner. When I knew she wasn't able to see me I went over to Dr. Whale. "You are such a sleezeball." I hiss into his ear. He turns to me, startled. "You don't deserve Mary Margaret, and if I hear that you have been even thinking anything bad about her, you will regret it."

"Is that a threat?" Oooh, I could just scratch his eyes out, right now.

"You tell me." I say as I head out of the diner to catch up with Mary Margaret. I look down the street to see her talking to Emma who is sitting in her yellow VW Bug. I walk up to them as Emma gets out of her car.

"This town doesn't seem to have any vacancies. None, actually. Is that normal?" I smile at that.

"Must be the curse." I say, joining the conversation. Emma smiles at me, and she leans against her car.

"Why are you two out so late?" Emma asks us. Mary Margaret and I look at each other, and I am the first to answer.

"I closed up the bakery later than usual, and then I stopped in at Granny's to get something to eat." Emma then turned to Mary Margaret.

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