Hat Trick

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A/N: Alright guys. Here's another one. I hope you enjoy it.

I sit in one of the chairs outside the sheriff's office and stare straight ahead. Henry sits in the chair to my right as he looks through the 'Once Upon A Time' book. He tries to talk to me about Operation Cobra being back on, but I am in my own world. I keep asking the same questions in my head, about Mary Margaret. As I ask myself the same question for about the twentieth time, the front door to the station is swung open. Two figures make their way towards Henry and I. I hear the sound of a cane hit the floor in even intervals.

"Henry, Ava," Emma says as she sees the two of us. "What are you doing here?" I hear the boy close the book before he replies to his birth mother.

"I came to congratulate you." He says with a smile.

"For what?" She asks him.

"Ava? Are you alright, my dear?" Mr. Gold asks as he walks around Emma and stands in front of me.

"I am not sure." I answer him as Henry replies to the question Emma asked.

"Your genius plan."

"And what plan's that Henry?" Mr. Gold asks the very happy boy. He remains quiet as he realizes that there is no plan being put in motion. He looks down at the book in his lap. Rumple gets tired of waiting for Henry to answer him and heads in to see the woman that I know is not in her cell. Soon, he will realize that.

"Sorry," Henry says to Emma as Mr. Gold limps out of earshot. "I thought Mr. Gold was in on it. No that he's Miss Blanchard's lawyer."

"In on what?" Emma sounds confused.

"There is nothing to be 'in on', Henry." I say, still staring at the wall in front of me.

"That doesn't make sense. Someone has to be in on the escape plan." The boy insists.

"What?" Emma asks her son.

"Sheriff, would you join me, please?" I hear Mr. Gold call from inside the office. I snap out of my trance, and I follow the sheriff and her son. I am not happy. We had her back. Why would she panic, and run? "She's gone." Mr. Gold says, not turning to us as we enter.

"Henry, what'd you do?" Emma rushes past Rumple. "Or was it you, Ava?" I snap my head up to look at her.

"You cannot think that I did this." I try to defend myself. "I came to share some cookies with her. She was gone when I arrived, and Henry stopped in soon after I did." I set the bag of cookies on one of the desk to prove my story.

"Her arraignment's tomorrow." Gold states. "If she's not there,"

"She's a fugitive." Emma finishes Rumple's sentence. "It doesn't matter if she's convicted for Katherine or not, she's screwed." The sheriff turns and speed walks past Henry, Gold, and I, heading to her desk. "I have to go find her before someone notices she's missing."

"Oh, you mean Regina." I point out. The three of us turn to the woman scrambling around.

"The arraignment's at eight AM. I'm sure she'll be here bright and early to celebrate her victory." The woman takes her firearm out of her desk drawer.

"Well, you have until eight AM, then." Mr. Gold states.

"What about me?" Henry asks. "How can I help?" Ah, youth. To think you can help in every situation, even in a serious adult predicament such as this, is so naïve for a young boy like him.

"Go home." Emma answers. It is not the answer the boy wants, but that is all he can do right now.

"Emma," The boy says, walking closer to the woman. "If she leaves Storybrooke,"

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