A Land Without Magic

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A/N: Woo hoo! The chapter of the final episode. Still not sure if I will do another chapter, but we shall see.

Emma POV

Regina just told me that everything Henry has believed and talked about was true. Magic is real. Mary Margaret and David are my parents, and she is the Evil Queen. She told me that she doesn't have any more magic in this world. That she used the last of it for the apple turnover, which made me think of Ava. It's possible that Henry could die if nothing is done to break the sleeping curse. She suggested that we ask Mr. Gold for help. That he is the only other person in town that knows about magic, and he goes by Rumplestiltskin.

We walk back into the hospital room as more commotion comes in. A second hospital bed is rushed into the room. I try to get a look of who this could be. Regina walks towards Henry's bed as I try to get closer to the other one. She has more tubes and wires coming out of her than Henry does. It has to be Ava, but why does she seem to be in worse shape than Henry? I look over to Regina, and I can tell that she has an expression of regret. I don't know if it's just for Henry or for both of them. I then look towards the door. Mr. Gold is standing there, glaring past me to Regina. I pull the woman away from Henry's bed and both of us head towards Mr. Gold.

"Is that the look of a believer?" He asks me.

"We need your help." I say with urgency.

"Indeed you do." He answers simply. "It seems quite the tragic ailment has befallen our young friend, and my dear Ava." He pointedly glared at Regina. "I told you magic comes with a price."

"Henry shouldn't have to pay it." Regina says.

"And Ava should?" He asks. "No, you should, but alas we are where we are." I am done with their arguing.

"Can you help us?" I say, getting back on track.

"Of course, but we can't discuss this here." He says.

"And leave Henry here alone?" Regina asks.

"They're in the best hands they can possibly be in, in this world." Mr. Gold points out. "And the only way to help both of them is to go back to my shop to discuss the solution." With that he turns to leave, hoping Regina and I will follow. The woman next to me turns to look back at Henry's hospital bed.

"Come on. We have to fix this, and standing by his bedside hoping he'll wake up is not going to fix anything." I say harshly. I turn to follow Mr. Gold out to the parking lot, and soon after Regina does too. We all meet up at the shop. Mr. Gold arrived before Regina and I. "So can you really help us?" I ask the man behind the counter.

"As I said before, of course." He answers. "True love, Miss Swan. The only magic powerful enough to transcend realms and break any curse." This magic stuff is still so foreign to me. "Luckily for us, I happened to have bottled some."

"You did?" Regina pipes up from next to me.

"Oh yes." He answers as he continues to look at me. "From strands of your parent's hair, I made the most powerful potion in all the realms. So powerful that, when I created the Dark Curse, I placed a single drop on the parchment." He paused to bask in the memory. "Just a little safety valve. It was Ava's idea, really." Realization hits me.

"That's why I'm the savior. That's why I can break the curse." I say.

"Now you're getting it." He smirks at me.

"I don't care about breaking the curse. All I care about is saving Henry." I reply quickly. I need this conversation to hurry up and finish so I can get going.

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