Dealing With Grief

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A/N: This is a flashback to the Enchanted Forest. I hope you enjoy. :)

The light from the window shines through my eyelids. What is the use of opening my eyes when a piece of me has been taken away. I will never get it back. It is easier for me to continue lying in bed. Is it fair for my true love? No, I know that much. It is not like our relationship can get any worse. I cannot kiss him with all of my passion for him. I cannot sleep in the same room or bed for fear that it will be too tempting. I shall just lie here until I waste away. I am not hungry. I am not thirsty. I just do not want to do anything.

"Oh Ava, my sweet." My true love says in a whispering sing-song voice. "It's time to wake up. It's a beautiful day." I do not move, open my eyes, or answer him. "Come now, my love. You can't keep yourself in this bed all day. Come spend the day with me." I roll my eyes under my lids.

"It will change nothing." I whisper.

"Don't talk like that, dearie." He says. I feel him place a hand on my cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb. "How about I make you something to eat."

"I am not hungry." I state. His hand leaves my face, and I crave the contact even more.

"I don't care." I can tell he is getting irritated with my behavior. He does not understand, not completely. "You have not eaten an two days. I am making you something to eat, and I am going to watch you eat it. I will not stand by and watch you waste away." I hear a 'poof' sound and realize that he has just transported to the kitchen to prepare me something to eat.

Somehow, I fall back to sleep. I dream of my beautiful daughter calling out for me. I can hear her, but I cannot find her. I search through scenery of nothing but blackness. I call out to her, but my voice seems to have escaped me. Soon, I am pulled out of this nightmare, as I am shaken awake.

"My little song bird." Why does he use that soft sing-song voice? "I've brought you something to eat." I feel him sit on the edge of the bed.

"I am n-"

"As I said before, I don't care." He interrupts me. Slowly I open my eyes to the brightly lit room. I turn my head to the bedside table. A tray sits there with plates of food and a cup of water. There is also a small vial filled with a smoky white colored liquid.

"What is that?" I ask him. He pauses for a moment before understanding what I was talking about. He grabs the small vial, and I follow it as he brings it in front of him.

"Oh, this?" I just glare at him. "It's a potion to help with your dilemma, my dear." I quirk my head to the side as I begin to sit up.

"What do you mean?"

"Once you drink this you will feel much better." He is leaving out something.

"How will this little bit of liquid help me feel better, and you better not lie to me." I say. He sighs.

"Once I place a hair from your head into the vial, and you drink it, you will forget about your broken heart." He says.

"The only way to do that is for me to forget..." I start to realize what this potion will actually do. "No! I will not be rid of my memories of my own daughter!" I yell at him.

"Well, what would you have me do?" His eyes show concern as he starts to pace around the room in frustration. "I'm doing everything I can think of to help you, but you are not letting me."

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