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A few days have passed since I left the hospital. I have stocked up on food in my apartment, and cleaned up jut about every inch of the floor, walls and ceiling. This is the last day off I am taking, because the Miner's Day Festival is coming up quick. I usually end up selling a ton of pastries and donating the money to the nuns, or the fairies. I know that Mr. Gold does not like them, but I cannot help but be generous. Speaking of Mr. Gold, I have not seen him since he dropped me off at my place. Maybe he does not want to see me again until he has a third guess for our game.

Anyways, I walk into the diner and sit at the counter. I look to my left and notice Leroy sitting there. One stool separates us. I order my usual and think about what I should do today. Should I start preparing for the festival? Should I look for Mr. Gold? As my pancakes are placed in front of me, two people come up beside Leroy and I. It was Mr. Clark and Walter. Mr. Clark sneezes as he starts to ask Leroy something.

"Excuse me, Leroy?" He starts. "Do you mind scooting over a seat so Walter and I can sit together?" Leroy looks back at them before answering.

"If I wanted to sit there I woulda sat there. If you want this seat, try dragging your sorry asses outta bed in the morning." Leroy has a point. He goes back to eating as Mr. Clark reacts.

"You're a real ray of sunshine, as usua-achoo!" Mr. Clark sneezes, somewhat in Leroy's direction. I do not believe that he did it on purpose, but it is sort of gross. Leroy gets disgusted, and I do not blame him.

"Congrats." Leroy says as he puts down his toast and wipes his mouth. "I just lost my appetite." I can tell that Mr. Clark feels bad. Leroy throws money down on the counter. "Seat's all yours." He gets up and heads for the door as the bell over the door rings. I turn to see Mary Margaret standing there with a clipboard. She takes off her coat and clears her throat.

"Excuse me." She says, but I am the only one paying attention to her. She clears her throat again. "Can I have everyone's attention please?" Now the entire diner is quiet. "I'm sorry to interrupt your morning, but I just wanted to remind everyone that a very special occasion is upon us." She says quickly. "Miner's Day. As always, the nuns of Storybrooke are hoping that everyone will get involved and will help sell their exquisite candles. All we need are a few energetic volunteers. So who wants to join me?" Oh God.

The diner is quiet for a second before everyone continues to eat their meals. No one wants to be associated with Mary Margaret right now. I can hear them whispering about her. Leroy walks up to her, but I think he just wants to leave the diner.

"Leroy, you wanna volunteer?" M&M asks excitedly.

"I wanna leave, sister. You're blocking the door." He says plainly.

"Of course." She says as she looks behind herself to the door. She moves out of the way as she continues to try to convince him to volunteer. "Uh, you know, if you wanted to help, it could really be good-"

"Oh yeah, right." He interrupts. "Quite a team we'd make, town harlot, town drunk. The only person in this town that people like less than me is you." That is a bit harsh. "If you're comin' to me? You're screwed." I finish my food and put money on the counter as Leroy finally leaves. I walk up to Mary Margaret and place a consoling hand on her shoulder.

"If I did not already have something to do for the festival, I would volunteer." I say.

"I know." She looks defeated as she puts her coat back on. And heads out the door.

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