Skin Deep

598 27 2

Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin POV

I woke up today with a joy in my heart that many wouldn't understand. I am collecting on a loan. Mr. French runs a flower service called Game of Thorns. I granted him a loan, and if he doesn't pay up when I come to him I am to take his lovely delivery truck. I am so strict with this man because he has caused Ava and me so much pain, not in this land but in the enchanted forest. First he stole Belle from Ava after she was born, then after we were able to get her back and let her leave we heard that he had subjected Belle to forms of torture, and Ava's daughter had committed suicide. There is no way I could let him slide with a past like that. Sure, he doesn't remember, but I do. I walk up and stand next to the man's van. He is unloading some flowers. I have brought an extra person with me. He is here to drive the truck away if the man doesn't have the money to pay the loan.

"Well, this is just perfect." I say to get his attention. "I've been looking for you Mr. French." He looks a little uneasy as he walks towards me.

"I'll have your money next week." He says. Oh, I have been waiting for this moment for so long. A smile makes its way onto my face.

"The terms of the loan were fairly specific." I turn to the man I have brought with me. "Take the van." He walks to the driver's side of the van as Mr. French starts to panic. Yes, squirm little man, squirm.

"Wait. No." Mr. French says as he follows my muscle in front of the van. Then he turns back to me. "Tomorrow's Valentine's day. It's the biggest day of," I slowly walk to him. "I've got a grand in roses in the back." He stands in front of the van as the man in the driver's seat turns the van on and revs the engine. "Stop!" He turns to me once again. "You've gotta let me sell them." He continues to panic as I start to walk past him. I look to my pocket watch. I have to open my shop soon.

"I'm gonna allow you two to continue this conversation." I say. I put my pocket watch back where it belongs and I start to walk away.

"Oh, this is no way to do business, Gold." I hear the van accelerate and brake. "You are the lowest!" He yells at me. "People aren't gonna put up with this!" Then I hear the van drive away and I cannot help but smile to myself. I walk to the sidewalk where Regina is waiting for me.

"Mr. Gold?" She says. "That was quite a show back there."

"Well, Mr. French is just having a bad day. Happens to the best of us." I say in response to her simple observation.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, and the moment you have something I want to discuss, we'll have that little chat." I try to walk by her, but she blocks my path. Now I am getting a little irritated, and I was having such a good day.

"No, we're gonna do this now." She insists. "It'll only take a moment."

"Is there something eating you, dear? Something you need to get out in the open? Cuz it's gonna have to wait." She goes to say something else. "Please." I add, and I walk past her. I enter my shop, but I suddenly realize that I have forgotten Ava's necklace at home. This doesn't worry me, though. It should be safe there. It should be resting right next to the chipped cup on my dresser.

The first half of the day has gone by smoothly. Ava hasn't come by since our little talk in the park. She said that she felt crazy, but I know that she is very sane. She is quite possibly even more sane than I. I don't want her to feel that way for much longer, but I just need to let the chips fall where they may at this point. It is time for lunch, so I head back home to make myself something to eat. What is the point in buying something when you have perfectly good food at home?

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