Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

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It's been a few days since August showed Emma the typewriter in his mysterious box, and nothing has really happened. I haven't visited with Mr. Gold since that stormy day.

Archie told me that he had a session with Henry this morning, so I got Henry's usual after session treat ready. The bell rung and I turned to see the boy himself. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, Henry. How did your session go today?" I said leaning on the counter.

"It was okay."

"Just okay? You seem very bright and cheery today." He sat down at one of the tables and I joined him.

"I thought that the book had been destroyed or taken during the storm." He answered.

"The 'Once Upon A Time' book?" He nodded his head.

"When I looked this morning, it was still there." I looked at him with curiosity.

"Still, where?" I thought that it was interesting that he hadn't dragged the book around recently. In fact I don't think that I have seen it since Henry said that he figured out who I was.

"I put it in a box and buried it at the castle." My face dropped.

"Henry, is it still there?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I saw some bulldozers and other heavy machinery heading towards the beach." Henry's face fell and he ran out of my shop, hopped on his bike, and rode in the direction of the beach and his castle. I stood right outside my door as I watched him ride down the street. When I could no longer see the boy I turned around only to receive a jump scare. I grabbed my chest and tried to catch my breath.

"I didn't mean to scare you Miss Ava." Said the man I had not visited since the storm. Mr. Gold had a slightly amused smirk on his face.

"What do you want?" I said as I turned to head back into the bakery. He followed me inside as he answered my question.

"I would like to ask for your forgiveness." He said.

"I hope you don't have that necklace box with you, cuz you know what I am going to say to that." I said turning around after putting my apron on. I saw him reaching into a pocket on the inside of his nice black suit jacket. "Don't you dare even pull that out of your pocket." His face sort of scrunched together in confusion. He pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper and a nice pen.

"It's not a piece of jewelry, Ava." He unfolded the paper and I recognized it.

"This is," I started to say, but he cut me off.

"Yes, this is the contract that you signed for the loan to the bakery." Now I was the one who was confused. Then he pulled out another paper and placed it next to the loan contract. "And this paper is to transfer the deed."

"So, what do you want me to do with these papers?" I think I know what's happening, but I needed him to clarify.

"This one," He points to the first paper he pulled out. "States that the loan that I granted you, to pay for this lovely bakery, is completely forgiven." My eyes went wide. "And this one," He points to the second paper. "Transfers the deed to the bakery is completely yours. Once you sign these papers you will not have to pay me anything more." I looked from him to the papers and I just could not believe this was actually happening. I picked up the loan forgiveness paper and started to read everything. It was straightforward, and didn't consist of a lot of lawyer lingo. I was as he said. This paper would mean that the rest of the loan was forgiven. I looked to him and he held out his pen to me. I took it and signed the loan paper. I looked to the deed paper and read it closely. It was straightforward like the loan paper. I signed that paper as well.

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