The Return

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A/N: Here is another chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

My alarm wakes me up and Rumple is still sleeping. Since Kathryne has been found, he does not need to be Mary Margaret's defense attorney anymore. That means he does not stay up late or wake up early, and I get more time with him. I turn off my alarm, get ready for the day, and kiss him on the forehead before heading into town. I am able to get the order for the diner finished quickly, and when I get back to the store I make some cookies and a few cupcakes. I do not know why I made them. They are just going to sit in there all day. About an hour later, I get my first customers.

"Miss Ava!" Henry's excited voice calls as the bell over my door sounds.

"You do not have to call out so loud, kid. I am the only person in this small bakery space." I chuckle as I turn to the boy. I notice then that he is not alone. August is with him, and he looks to be in pain. "Are you okay August?" I ask in concern.

"Oh yeah, just the shin splints again." He answers. I nod, understanding what he was talking about.

"Well, what can I do for you boys?" I ask, leaning on the counter.

"I will have a couple sugar cookies, and Henry can get whatever he wants. I'm paying." I smile and glance down at the boy. I already know what the kid wants so I ring them up for two sugar cookies and one chocolate cupcake.

"Not that I am complaining," I start as I bag up the treats. "But is it not a bit early for cookies and cupcakes?" The boys smile in response.

"We're gonna need all the energy we can get." Henry says. "We are doing something for Operation Cobra today."

"Ahh. So, what are you two doing for Operation Cobra?" I ask. The boy looks to August, and visa versa.

"We can't tell you, Miss Ava." Henry says. I squint my eyes at the boy.

"And why is that?"

"It's super top secret, Miss Birdie." August answers. I nod to him as he asks me a question. "Do you know when the pawn shop opens?" I squint my eyes again. Why does he want to know that?

"Around nine o'clock, I think. Why?"

"Just asking." August answers vaguely. "We might need to see if there is anything in the shop that would help us." What does August want from the shop? What is he looking for?

"Alright, well, good luck with whatever you are doing today." I wave to them as they walk out the door. I hear Henry ask a question before the door closes behind them.

"Hey, why did you call her Miss Birdie?" I smile at the kid's question. I cannot wait until this curse is broken. Then I do not have to hide that I know everything, and we will be that much closer to finding Bae.

About an hour later, it is nine o'clock. I decide to visit Rumple, bringing something only slightly sweet. Bae used to call them sweet breads. It was just a biscuit that I added more sugar to. Then I would sprinkle a bit of sugar over the top. Both Rumple and Bae loved the sweet treat back in the Enchanted Forest. As I shut the bakery door and turn around, I see Henry making his way to the front of the pawnshop and August heading for the back door. What are they doing? I walk up to the shop after Henry had started to talk to Rumple. The bell over the door sounds as I open the door and enter. Both Henry and Rumple turn to me.

"Miss Ava, what are you doing here?" Henry says, almost seeming frantic.

"I'm just bringing Mr. Gold something sweet to snack on." I smile as I hand the container of sweet breads. He looks at the sweets and his face seems to light up.

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