True North

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My dreams have gotten a bit weird as of late. Granny and Ruby had been in a recent one, but I didn't want to tell anyone. I woke up this morning at Archie's place. I got up at my usual time, which is too early for Archie, got ready and kissed him on the cheek before heading out. I forgot to bring my toothbrush over last night, and I don't have any mints or gum. I guess I have to go to the convenience store to fix that. After I deliver Granny's order I head to Mr. Clark's convenience store. I get there and see Henry talking to a couple kids. I don't want to interrupt Henry making friends so I head to the candy isle, which has the mints and gum I am looking for. I look for my favorite spearmint gum and turn to go pay for it. I then see that the boy is stuffing candy into Henry's backpack. Before I can get to the counter Mr. Clark goes to stop the kids from leaving the store.

"Where the hell do you think you're goin'?" He says as he stands between them and the door and sneezes. Then he points at Henry. "Open up your bag."

"What?" Henry asks

"Don't think I didn't see you rob me. Open your bag." I stand behind the kids as this all happens.

"But, I didn't take anything." Henry says.

"Henry, Just do it." I say. He looks back at me then hands Mr. Clark his bag. The man opens the bag and pulls out the candy I saw the boy stuff in there.

"And a liar too." I came closer as Henry turns to the girl.

"That's why you were talking to me." The poor kid thought he was making friends, but they were just using him. "So your brother could put that stuff in there." The two other kids looked down at the floor as Mr. Clark started to say something else.

"Henry," He said getting the boy's attention. "I'm shocked." Then he turned to the others. "And you two, just who do you think you are?" They looked at each other. Mr. Clark looked to me. "Could you keep an eye on them?" I nodded as he went to call the Sheriff. I stood in front of the kids.

"So, what are your names?" I asked the two kids I assumed were siblings.

"My name is Ava and his name is Nicholas." The girl replied.

"Wow, my name is Ava, too." I said as I crouched down to their level. "This must be some sort of sign. We were meant to meet each other." The girl's face brightened.

"You think so?"

"I know so." I said. They smiled at me as Mr. Clark came back over.

"Alright, I called the Mayor and the Sheriff. Would you like to buy that gum Miss Ava?" He asked me? I turned to him, took out some cash from my purse and handed it to him.

"Keep the change." I said. I hung out there until Emma and Regina get there. Regina showed up first She said that Henry doesn't eat candy, which is true. That is when Emma finally gets there. I open the door for her to come in. "What a nice start to the day, huh?" I start to banter with her. She smiles at me as she tries to get an idea of what is happening exactly. Regina takes Henry and leaves the store. "Hey, Emma?"


"I think there is something up with those two. If they need somewhere to go I can help with that." Emma looked at me like I was crazy, but then her face relaxed when she started to understand. That is when I decide to head to the bakery. "Bye Mr. Clark, Emma." I say to them. They wave to me as I walk out. I finally get to the bakery and see Archie waiting by the door. "Well good morning handsome." I said, as I got closer.

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