An Apple Red As Blood

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A/N: One more chapter closer to the end of this part of Ava and Rumple's story.


I wake up to my phone alarm. As I try to shut it off quickly, pain shoots through my spine and up my neck. I am getting too old. I guess centuries will do that to you. I finally reach my alarm and shut it off as I sit up. Standing, I rub at my neck and crack my back. I hope I never have to sleep on a couch again. Quietly I move around the silent apartment to get ready. I exit the dwelling with all my belongings and hurry over to the bakery. After I deliver the diner's order I walk over to the pawnshop. His car is parked out front, so he must be here. The bell over the door sounds as I enter. I see Mr. Gold standing behind the display case counter. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Ah, my dear Ava." He greets as he puts down the pen in his hand and begins to walk around the counter towards me. "How was your night?"

"I woke up with a crick in my neck, but other than that it was fine." I smile as he stands in front of me. "How was yours?"

"Restless." He replies simply. His expression changes to one of regret. "I am truly sorry for what I did to the boy. I was lashing out unnecessarily." He apologizes. I do not want to forgive him, but I cannot help but do just that.

"All is forgiven. But I will not forget about this." He nods in understanding and grabs my hand. He kisses the back of my hand, which causes me to smile. I look around at the papers on the counter tops. "What is it you are doing today?"

"I'm planning a trip." He answers turning to walk back behind the counter.

"To where?" This is the first I have heard of this trip.

"To find Bae of course." He replies. What? Does he think that the magic will come back soon?

"And how will you be doing that?" I am truly curious. This planet is huge. How will he be able to find one person in the sea of many?

"Once magic returns to Storybrooke, I will be able to find him. Then I will need to find a way to him. It is better to be prepared, isn't it?"

"I guess that does make sense." I say. "I hope you are planning to bring me with you to retrieve him." He looks at me with confusion etched on his face. "You were not planning to have me tag along with you? Tisk, tisk, my love." He still looks confused as I walk closer to the counter he is standing behind. "Do you not remember how you two left things? You are going to need me to calm him down and convince him to come with us." The man before me sighed in realization that I was right. Bae might not even think of coming back if it was just Rumple there to convince him. Bae and I had a great relationship before he left. If anyone were to convince the boy to come to Storybrooke, it would be me.

"I guess you're right." He looks down at the paper in front of him. "I will add you to the list of people to go."

"There is a list?" I smirk at that. "Who else was on this list you speak of?" He hands me the paper and I read it. "Emma is going? Did she say she was going to go?"

"No, but I still have that favor for her to pay back." I hand back the paper to the man.

"So you are going to make her go with you? Why?" Why would he need someone if he can find Bae with magic?

"The magic I plan to use is not exact. I'll know what city he resides in, but not his address. Miss Swan knows how to find people. It's what she used to do before she came here." That explanation does make sense to me, so I change the subject.

"Well, what are we doing for dinner tonight?" I ask him. I see a smile stretch across his face.

"It's up to you, my dear." I think about it for a minute.

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