What Happened To Frederick?

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Mr. Gold and I left the hospital soon after I awoke. He brought me back to his home, and as I walked in I noticed that some of the rooms looked very messy. He explained that Mr. French had broken in and stolen some of his belongings. At least he got everything back. It was decided that the mess would be cleaned up tomorrow, and we went to bed. For the first time in twenty-eight years we were finally together again. Nothing steamy happened, we just held each other until we fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up with Mr. Gold still laying beside me. Even before Regina cast the curse something like this would never happen. It was always too tempting. I just smile to myself as I gaze at his face. He looks so vulnerable, and I feel privileged to be trusted in this way. I gently press my forehead to his. It has been centuries since I have seen him in his original skin, when he was Rumpelstiltskin instead of the Dark One. I see and feel a slight shift in the muscles on his face, but he does not open his eyes. His breathing is less even, so I know for sure that he is awake.

"You can open your eyes, my love." I whisper the exact words he said to me at the hospital. I see a smile grow on his face.

"Why would I?" He whispered back. This makes me giggle as I pulled away from him. I just lay on my back, atop a comfy bed, and look towards the ceiling with a smile on my face. This is real bliss, it has to be. I could want nothing more or less at this very moment. Suddenly, I feel him come closer to me. I look at him, and I notice a puzzled expression across his features.

"What is it, Rumple?" I ask. He looks into my eyes as he begins to speak.

"I love having you back with me, Ava, but there is something that I can't wrap my head around." He just looks at me. I do not understand what he is trying to ask me. "How?"

"How, what?" I am genuinely curious what he wants to know. It is rare that he does not know something. Asking me should be a last resort. What could I know that he does not?

"How did you get your memories back?" Oh, well, I guess that is something I would know. I never really though that it would be too important, so I did not tell him.

"It is no fun if I just tell you. How about we make it into a little game?"

"What are the rules of this game, my dear?" I knew that would get him. He loves playing little games.

"I will allow you to guess how I was able to get my memories back, but you only get three guesses before you lose." He cracked a smile and I softly giggle.

"What do I receive when I win?"

"Acting quite brash already. I believe that you will not be able to guess, but if you guess correctly..." I have to think of something that he would be interested in winning. Ah! I have got it. "I will permanently move into this wonderful house with you."

"And, if I fail to guess correctly?" Coming up with a punishment for the Dark One is a tricky thing. I must have it be something that he would hate to have happen, but I should also be something that does not effect our relationship harshly.

"Hmm... That is a hard one." I look up to the ceiling hoping that it will give me an idea. "If you fail to guess... you shall... tell me where you have hidden your dagger in this world." This was something that would not effect us too badly. I would only be told of where he has hidden it, and I would never betray his trust. I would never want to kill him, and I would never tell anyone of it's whereabouts. He thinks about it for a second before slightly nodding to agree to the terms of the game. "So, what is your first guess?"

"Well, you had been having vivid dreams of the Enchanted Forest since Emma came to town. Did they come back because the dreams finally fit together like puzzle pieces?" I thought about it for a second.

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