Desperate Souls

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The funeral for Graham was well attended. It was a solemn event, as it should be, and many people spoke kind words about him and his life. I sat with Archie as I tried not to cry. He rubbed my back and provided tissues when needed. I couldn't watch them lower his casket into the ground, so we went back to my place. I sat at my kitchen table as Archie made some tea. The hot beverage did help a lot, but I had a feeling something wasn't right. Young healthy people don't just die. Archie and I just sit in silence until a knock comes from the door. I don't move. I don't want to deal with anyone right now. That is when Archie gets up to see who is at the door. I zone out, so I don't see who it is. Archie comes back with someone.

"Ava?" Archie asks, trying to get my attention. "Ava, Mr. Gold is here. He wants to ask you something." I finally snap out of my daze and see Mr. Gold standing behind Archie. Archie steps to the side and Mr. Gold steps towards me.

"Dear Ava, I know that today is emotionally draining for you, but I wanted to ask you something." I just looked at him with my brow knitted together. "Graham's apartment needs to be cleaned out, and I wanted to know if you would like to help me with that." Why would he be asking me this? I'm sure he had friends that were closer to him than I was. I looked up at Archie.

"Can Archie come too?" I needed his support right now. Mr. Gold looked to Archie and sighed before looking back towards me.

"Of course." I thought about if I really wanted to do this, but I felt I had to. We weren't that close, but Graham was a friend.

"Okay. Let's go." Archie and I followed Mr. Gold out of my apartment and to Graham's apartment. We enter, and the air smells stale. It looks lived in, but no one has been in here since the death of the man who lived here. Mr. Gold heads to the window and opens the curtains to let in some natural light. I walk around and notice a few things lying around that make me smile. There are a bunch of framed pictures of him and other people. Almost all of them were group pictures. I was in a lot of them. There was one that was actually of just him and I in front of my new bakery. It made me smile because it was the first day that my bakery had been open.

"You can take it if you want." Said the pawnshop owner from behind me. I turned around to face him as I held the framed picture close to me. I nodded and walked around some more. Archie started to put some of Graham's things in a box. A lot of it included the pictures. Then, I found the walkie-talkies and put them in the box. I went to Graham's closet and opened it to see a couple pairs of shoes on the floor. The hangers held a few shirts, but there wasn't much else. I went back to the living room area where the two men were waiting for me. I looked around the place one more time. I had never been in Graham's apartment before, and I would probably never step foot in this place again. I then turned back to the men. "I'm ready to go, now." Archie held out his hand and I took it as he led me out of the living space.

"Thank you for your help, miss Ava." Said Mr. Gold as he carried the box of Graham's belongings out of the apartment behind us. I think he wanted me to help out so I would be able to get some sort of closure. Mr. Gold isn't a bad guy. I know that, but I can't trust him as a friend again just yet. Archie brings me back to my apartment and it is pretty late, so I decide that it's time to get ready for bed. Archie heads for the door, but I stop him.

"Wait!" I yell. He stops and turns around. "Could you stay here tonight?" I ask. I didn't want to be alone? This was a small town, and Graham was important to just about everyone. He was the Sheriff, and he knew everyone.

"Sure." He said turning away from the door and taking off his jacket. He pulled out a cell phone and called Marco to ask him to watch Pongo for the night. Once that was all figured out I got in bed and Archie followed. I fell asleep in his arms, and I was content.

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