The New Dark One

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It has only been a couple days since my sister was taken to fight in the Ogre War. I was in such a deep depression that the muffin man let me stay home with my brothers. I didn't leave my bed, and I don't think that I could. Rumplestiltskin's words got me through the day that Morain was taken, but the next day I woke up without her here. It broke me. Baelfire visited earlier today. He told me that he was worried that his papa was trying to find a way for him to not be taken. I knew that he was going to take Bae and try and run. That is what a lot of people in the town said he did. He ran from having to fight in the Ogre War. I don't blame him. I would rather live out my life maimed then die by the hands of an Ogre.

Bae, though, had said that he wanted to fight. He said he would be proud to fight and defend the peace. That made me smile. Maybe if he went, Morain wouldn't have to be alone. When he left, I was then alone. He and my brothers were out playing. I just rolled over, still not wanting to get out of my bed. Later that day, I thought my brothers had come back. They did come back, but Bae tagged along and so did his father.

"Ava, what happened?" Rumplestiltskin said as he came up to me lying in bed. Now I felt bad. He was a big supporter of me, and I felt like I was letting him down. "I thought you were okay after I talked to you the other day." He sat on the edge of my bed.

"I can't do it. Without her here there is this deep sorrow in the pit of my soul." I could feel my eyes welling with tears. "It's like a piece of me is missing." He reached out a hand to brush my messy hair out of my face.

"Sure you can. Your brothers need you." His eyes showed that he was feeling a great deal of empathy. I could see that even his eyes were starting to water. Do I really mean that much to him? "Now, why don't you get up and have something to eat?" I nodded, but I don't really want to move. He helped me sit up and stand. Even though he needed a staff to stand he helped me to stand and walk out to the table in the common area. I sat in the chair and Rumplestiltskin prepared something for me to eat. He got Bae and my two brothers to help him. From the looks of it they were trying to make me flat cakes. It is my favorite thing to eat. When they were done they set a plate of them in front of me. I looked up at the four of them and smiled.

"Thank you. I really needed this." I said as they smiled back at me. I started eating as Bae and my brothers went back outside to play. "So, did Bae tell you I was still in bed?" Rumplestiltskin looked at me and smirked. He shook his head.

"No. I was out and about early this morning and I only saw the muffin man open the bakery." Ah. "When Bae came by with your brothers I asked him if you were sick."

"I don't know what I would do without you two." I said, smiling as I took another bite of one of the flat cakes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his expression fall. I immediately looked over at him. "What? What's wrong?" He looked away from me.

"As you know, Bae is coming of age to be drafted in the Ogre War." I nodded waiting for him to continue. A look of worry etched onto my face. "I don't think that there is any way to prevent Bae from being taken." I wanted to tell him that Bae wanted to go. I wanted to tell him that I wanted him to go, just a little bit. I wanted Morain to have someone that she knew to help her and keep her company in the trenches. But, I don't think that he wanted to hear that. He wanted to keep Bae for as long as he could. He didn't want to lose his family, and I totally understand where he is coming from. "Except...If Bae and I leave, we could miss them coming to the village." My jaw dropped.

"You're leaving?"

"It wouldn't be forever. We could come back after the war has finished."

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