Chapter 45 Herbs and Blizzards

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*I slowly started to regain conscious after awhile and I woke with my head laying on Drake's chest. My small group was now gathered murmuring around me. I felt more than a little groggy, but I had regained a little feeling in my digits. Antonio held out a cup of minty herbs and Drake took it from him to help me drink since my hands were too numb for me to curl and they were also shaking.*

"Make sure you drink all of the herbs in the concoction or it won't be a very good affect."

*Drake tilted my head back and let a small stream of the now cooled liquid go down and into my system. The liquid was quiet bitter and I almost gagged, but Drake made sure I swallowed it all as quickly as I could manage. I finished the last of the bitter liquid with a small cough. I maintained the liquid down in my system and I was given a small cloth which I wiped my mouth with it. I laid my head back down against Drakes chest since he was sitting up I was also, only reclined back a bit more.*

"Thank you, sorry to have imposed upon you."

"Well, I don't get many people up this far into the mountain, what exactly are you doing up here anyway?"

"I was looking for somebody in my lineage that is a light fay to help me get ride of my friends curse. which I wound up placing upon him..."

"Really now, well good luck with that."

"You, by chance wouldn't be as such a fay, would you?"

"Hmm, wouldn't know, can't see much now a days."

"One would think you would still be able to know even if one can not see."

"Fair point...yes I am a fay, but I don't have such family."

"In order for one to be born, it takes two so you do, it just depends if they are still living."

"That definitely is a point."

"Don't worry, she used the same thing on me."

"That also brings me to something, this, is Anubis, he is what you would say is your other half, your dark Fay."

"Don't you think I would know if my body split in two to form another being?"

"Nope, if you are born as two separate being then no."

"...I see your you are saying that this,*gestures to Anubis* is my darker half? So does he look like me?"

*I looked at Antoniyo then Anubis then back again.*

"Yeah, not too much. You kinda look more like me."

*Everybody looked at Aunubis then at me and began snickering.*

"Yes, definitely, you look like a girl with a guy/girl cut."

"This is why I am a hermit on this mountain."

"Well, could you please help me in be ride my lover of his curse?"

"What would I gain our of it?"

"I have some herbs from some marshy swamps that are little known and extremely rare."

"Hmmm...what else?"

"I am not sure what else you would want."

"...yeah, that would suffice."

"Thought so, few pleasures of the world lie within the herbs for mountain bent Faye."

"Hmm, well spoken."

"Now that you will be aiding me, I think it best if we head out as soon as possible. Right now preferably since we only have so much time."

"Ai, that won't be a option at this time, a snow storm is raging in even harder outside and I wouldn't even dare set foot out there at this time because of that."

"How long before it blows over then?"

"A few hours mabye days. One can't really tell. It's like te tropics it can be pouring down rain yet be sunny and it or one minute sunny the next without waning it starts to thunder and lighting. If you get caught out in a snow storm in this mountain, no winter cloths will save you. For now everybody should rest; heaven knows I have the space to spare. As for you, the cold is still chilling you despite your semi warmed up state, your true body hear won't return for another three hours at best. Well, sleep well. I will be over in the room that is hidden behind all those herbs if you need me."

"I watched the retreating form of my male doppelgänger and rested my head on Drakes chest."

"Really, three hours till my body heat return to its actual tempteture? I feel completely fine though..."

"I would think you of all people would know how pin it would take before you got completely warm, I was wrong apparently."

"Yes, a total if my whole life I have only ever been to cold regions and was soaked only a handful if times all of which I recovered within an hour. I don't see why this would be any diffrent."

"Late treatment and almost lose if limbs or rather didgets, could have something to do with that love."

"Yeah *yawn* I suppose it would wouldn't it?"

"Yes, it would. Rest we both could use it. Besides this storm won't blow over any time soon like Antonio said."

"Right, right point. Night."


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