Chapter 21 Weapon Master

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"Hey R.A! I need ya to fix something of mine!"

"Stop your shoutin! I'll be with ya in a minute."

*A moment later a man with black hair specked with grey came out.*

"I thought it was you ain't no assassin got cords like that."

*I rolled my eyes at this.*

"So this your apprentice or somethin?"

"I am still deciding. Do you think you could fix my knifes and make him a weapon?"


"What do you mean no!"

"I mean no I can't fix your knifes."

"Why not?!"

"Keep your voice down. This work is terrible and it ought to make a sword smith cry with despair!"

"Your the one who made it though!"

"You know my work changes and this is my worst piece of work yet! I will give ya the fact your weaponry is in top shap."

"Thank you. If you have to make a new assassin knife set at least keep the same hilt style if you can."

"Shouldn't be too hard. Go over and see which knife carving feels the best they have accurate weight."

*I went over  and grabbed a few of the knifes feeling them and taking a few swings each feeling ridiculously  heavy. I finally went down to the rookie section and picked up the smallest knife there was feeling it then determining it was the right fit.*

"I will do mold 180."

"The rookies rookie knife? Ya sure?"


"I won't ever understand why you always seen to choose the lightest weapon barley good enough for even practice. Yet you turn a rookies rookie weapon into a thing of legends."

*R.A started the fire up hearing the metal taking out the type I preferred I had a affinity for the lightest metal having one small core with a heavy five ounce center. To most it felt uneven though when held correctly the effect it had tended to cut through somebody's neck when thrown and the light metal made it easy to carry ten times the number of knifes a normal assassin could carry.*

"Ohh yeah rookie go take a look at the wooden weapons find a few that feel right then determine which ones feel best. After shield of the assassin business you will know exactly what type you preference a well as the metal."

*Drake went over starting with the heaviest which when he lifted it up he had trouble holding it. He set that down and moved on down the line he got to a few twin swords testing them then was happy with how they felt. I looked at the mold type seeing they were mold sixteen a triple S ranked weapon. He then grabbed the largest kunin felt that and he seemed please.*

"Mold sixteen and thirty for the rook."

"Ya sure about those molds?"

"Yeah I can pay anyway."

"Well if you say so. What metal?"

"Silver fleck."


"Yeah sf."

"Ok he's your apprentice rook."

*The weapons were finished after twelve hours. I moved my weapon around a bit getting a feel. I flung it at a dummy it sliced right through it the dummy's head stayed on for thirty seconds then slid off cleanly.*

"I like your work this time. Your last work certainly was shit compared to this."

"Glad you agree. What about you rook?"

*Drake took a few throws with the kunin missing the target compleatly. He then tested the twin swords he was much better with those. The dummy was sliced into three equal parts skidding off cleanly from the pole.*

"You need major work on your throw and you are a d class as far as the swords go in all a major rookie."

"Well Night Assasin that'll be two hundred gold."

*I placed the money on the counter as I payed for it.*

"There is extra in there for the future incase I don't have money I already have my tab payed."

"You did that the last five times you have yet to be lacking in that department."

"Well incase somebody is trying to kill me to keep you silent."

"Why give info on my best customer I would have to be a fool to sentence your death!"

*I gave a smirk he was a loyal R.A no money could get him to crack.*

"Ahh as testy as always."

*I gave a smirk at his statement.*

"But of course I have a bounty on my head, only a few are a loyal match."

"Well I don't blame ya even when I was an Assassin never was I that high on the hit list."

"Well I will be back sooner or later may it be in peace or pieces."

"Yes we will see. Send me a birtchcard when you get where you are going."

"Alas I will not have birch where I  am going anyway I could give my location away if I didn't that I would think an old timer like you would know that."

"Just testing  you.Ohh that's right I decided to take the liberty of making your companions something."

"How much?"

"It's free consider it a gift for your loyalty of buying my weapons."

"Thank you,I will be on my way now. Don't let the prime assaisns beat ya up too badly."

"I won't,may your sword be sharp and your tong sharper."

*I walked out on that note mounting Darkshadow I would put the items on later.*

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