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005. ❛ Ellen the psychic.

Going back to work and still having an interview booked that next day was a bit hectic for Natalia, but she very much enjoyed going to Ellen's show for various reasons

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Going back to work and still having an interview booked that next day was a bit hectic for Natalia, but she very much enjoyed going to Ellen's show for various reasons. Anytime she'd go on the show she'd have a blast with Ellen, the only times she'd go was when she was on set for the Marvel movies. She was going alone this time, normally she'd fly with Isabella with her waiting backstage or Elizabeth, who's become a very close friend ever since the Age of Ultron. This time around Natalia felt even more nervous than last time, knowing that no one was going to be there to calm her nerves.

Her hands trembled at the sight that it was almost her time to go on and get interviews by Ellen. She could feel her anxiety rising slightly and slowly, Natalia slowed down her breathing like her dad taught her to do when she was younger. Although she didn't completely calm herself down, she was prepared to go out. It was Ellen, what could possibly happen?

"Give a round of applause for my very special and amazing guest, Natalia DiCaprio!" Ellen introduced as Natalia strutted down the stage to the couch, stopping by and giving a hug to Ellen before they both sat down on the couch. Natalia giggled at the round of applause that she gained even when she sat down and Ellen allowed the applauding to go on, giggling alongside Natalia.

"A lot has happened since I last saw you." Ellen started the interview as the crowd started to quiet down.

"Not a lot but enough I would say," Natalia smiled at Ellen, resting her hands in her lap.

"Your dad finally won an Oscar, you're on the set of Captain America: Civil War, you're dating Chris Evans-" Ellen rambled on but once the words Chris Evans came out of her mouth, the crowd started to go wild with the mention of the ship. Natalia started to gain a very heavy blush, which was going to be interpreted differently than she expect but she was hiding behind her giggles of the mention of this 'relationship' Ellen was speaking of.

"It's nothing like that. He and I are very good friends, it's been like that since the beginning. I guess many people have shipped us since the beginning, every time I go to interviews like this they talk about Chris and I. The amount of comments I get about us is impressive because people really want to see us together. But between Chris and I, we're just friends." Natalia said with Ellen staring very long at her, not believing her statement.

"Natalia, we've been very close friends since the start. So I'm going to let you in on a little secret, I'm secretly a psychic. I'm going to offer you some future revelations for you."

"Okay, Ellen bring it on." Natalia said as Ellen leaned over and grabbed her hands and started to hum very quietly to herself.

"This is going to be a very heavy year for you. I suspect that you'll come back to my show very soon, that your sister is going to confess her love to me, and that you'll date Chris Evans." Ellen concluded again riling up the audience with the idea of them dating.

"I can say for sure that Isabella will confess her love to you and that I'll come back. But as for Chris and I dating, good grief." Natalia exclaimed as she relaxed back in her chair.

"Ellen is never wrong."

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