thirty nine.

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039. ❛ Oscar pictures.

nataliadcaprio: Proud to be alongside my father to accept our first Oscars

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nataliadcaprio: Proud to be alongside my father to accept our first Oscars. Thanks to The Academy, it was a wonderful night.

dancer10jenna: 💕💕💕💕

usera: It was about time that they gave Leo an Oscar. Only appropriate to have the DiCaprios have their family win an Oscar on the same night.

jermeyrenner: YES YES YES, I WAS THERE!

elizabetholsen: congrats my love💕 also you're dress is killer

imsebastianstan: I hope next year you invite me as your date

robertdowneyjr: careful chris, someone is trying to steal your girl

markruffalo: I truly felt blessed that I got to act with her on the movie, and that I was on the stage with her while she won.

userb: of course they would give it to the bad actress

userc: look at the marvel actors supporting their girl.

izzydcaprio: userb bad actress? where?

rachelmcadams: userc excuse me, but if she was a bad actress than why would she have won the most prestigious award there is for acting?

userd: you got two queens defending The Queen.

robertdowneyjr: markruffalo It's clear that you're Nat's favorite, you don't have to keep trying.

chrisevans: where are my credits to taking this picture?

nataliadcaprio: remember my offer

prattprattpratt: what?


chrisevans: Her fixing my tie for probably the twentieth time tonight

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chrisevans: Her fixing my tie for probably the twentieth time tonight. Regardless, it's one of my favorite photos of the night 💕

nataliadcaprio: Love you 😘😘

izzydcaprio: Let me say that you two are really cute here.

usera: That loner in the back looking at them is literally me.

userb: I'm dying alone.

elizabetholsen: His smile towards her, #relationshipgoals

robertdowneyjr: elizabetholsen get ready to experience all these types of affections for the press tour

chrishemsworth: Those two are now going to be complete lovebirds in press interviews. If they were all lovey dovey when we did Age of Ultron, imagine now that they are actually a couple.

tomhiddleston: Don't offend my new OTP

nataliadcaprio: why weren't we your first OTP?

vancityreynolds: YOU WERE MINE


thanks to glberts for the wonderful manip.

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