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009. ❛ they don't like me.


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jack jack💕:
do you're friends like me?

which friends are we talking about? Last time I checked I was antisocial.

jack jack💕:
you know who I'm talking about.
your best friends that you spend every moment with them.

Those friends!
They don't dislike you,
that's how they are. They're very distant from people.
That's why they're the perfect people for me.

jack jack💕:
The comments in my last picture could beg to differ.

The comments aren't that bad, they're people who support us.

jack jack💕:
And every other person who doesn't supports us thinks you should be with Chris.

Fans get like that.
For various years, people shipped Chris and I. But it doesn't anted matter they think because I'm the one that's dating you.

jack jack💕:
You're right.
It's just the fans.
I guess that I'm self conscious because I've seen what other people see with you and Chris.

You should know that you're who I'm dating now. Not Chris, not anybody else, you. And I want to make this work and see what it's like to have a relationship.

jack jack💕:
I hope that I can live up to your expectations. I wouldn't want to disappoint you.

I stopped setting expectations and perhaps later on I'll open up and tell you why.

jack jack💕:
Why can't you now?

I don't let people in easily and I want to make this good. You don't need to be depressed about my past.

jack jack💕:
I see this going into a long term relationship, so maybe we should start opening up to each other.

We should but not right now.
Not until I'm ready to.
I hope you understand.

jack jack💕:
It's fine.
Whenever you're ready, I won't pressure you in anyway. I know what it's like to close yourself up from everyone.

Thank you.

jack jack💕:
are you still filming right now?

We took a break and right now I'm watching Seb and Chris fighting over food.

jack jack💕:
Isn't that a normal occurrence on set for you?

Well, they're debating on who ate my food. Ps, they ate my food.

jack jack💕:
How did that happen? Did thy apologize?

Don't worry, it was a prank I set.
Because now one of them has to buy me food.

jack jack💕:

It's not like I eat like a cow so whichever of them buys me, I'll be a cheap date.

jack jack💕:
Speaking about dates, when are we going on one?

Our schedules are too busy right now. I guess when it lines up or calms down we can have a date.

jack jack💕:
Crossing my fingers so that day comes sooner rather than later.

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