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011. ❛ is he something more?

 ❛ is he something more? ❜

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hey babe 💘
did I do something that you're not returning my texts now?

jack jack💕:
No because Saint Natalia can't do any harm in the world, right?

I'm sorry
Did you wake up with a stick up your ass this morning?
Because last time I checked, I didn't do anything wrong.

jack jack💕:
Is that what you really think?
God Natalia, you're even more stuck up than you think. Not even to add delusion as well that you can't admit when you did wrong.

I'm sorry, I think that I'm not understanding your point. Please explain so that I can win an argument against someone who's being rude for no apparent reason.

jack jack💕:
Why didn't you tell me you were sick?


jack jack💕:
You still don't see it do you?

See what?
Your anger for me being sick when you should be asking if I'm okay now?

jack jack💕:
I guess someone else answered that question for me. Apparently, a best friend is more appropriate to take care of one's girlfriend than her own boyfriend or sister or father for that matter. Out of all the people that were on set with you, all your costars knew you were sick, and who did they decide to send? Chris Evans.

Why can't you see past your ego and jealousy for one second to see that all my costars were working, my sister had scenes to shoot, my dad isn't in the country, and my boyfriend is across the country. Chris came to me as a friend. To help recuperate myself back into working order.

jack jack💕:
Yeah I guess he put you right back into order.

If you're implying something, you're WAY off.
Not even to mention thinking that I'm something I'm not.

jack jack💕:
Are you saying that there is absolutely nothing between you? No ounce of love for each other? No part of you that sees you with him?

jack jack💕:
I guess I have my answer.

Your answers are based on suspicions that aren't true.

jack jack💕:
Natalia, I can't fight with you anymore on this topic. I see the way he looks at you and the way you look at him. You can't deny that. Frankly, I can't be in a relationship that isn't committed or in which the girl is in love with another guy. I can't bear being second best or anyone's second.

Please don't do this.

jack jack💕:
You brought this on yourself, Natalia.

you changed jack jack💕 to
ass face💩

you blocked ass face💩

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