thirty two.

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032. ❛ new year's eve.

Ever since arriving at the New Year's Eve Party, thrown by Robert, Nat wanted to spend some time away from Chris but at the same time she wanted to be by his side every minute

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Ever since arriving at the New Year's Eve Party, thrown by Robert, Nat wanted to spend some time away from Chris but at the same time she wanted to be by his side every minute. The constant amorous relationship that they've built has really evolved over the past few months since filming Civil War, and with it coming to an end, Nat felt weary but at the same time relieved that pretty soon they wouldn't have to be sneaking around set anymore.

After a while, Natalia started loom her way over to Chris, and stayed by his side for the remainder of the year until Sebastian approached them with a loud voice.

"All right! Here we go! 1999! The year of Sebastian!"

Chris who looked deadpan, standing next to Natalia responded, "We're very happy for you."

Sebastian's excited smile was turned upside down to see the two in such a bad mood, "What's the matter?!"

Chris hushed his voice to a whisper before informing Sebastian, "We wanted to kiss at midnight, but nobody else is going to so y'know..."

"All right, I'll take care of it." Sebastian said before walking away from the couple, who were trying to stop him, not very sure of what he was planning. Before they knew it was too late, and he went to talk to Elizabeth and Jeremy, and then to Isabella.

"Iz! Iz! Listen, I'm gonna kiss you at midnight." Sebastian said as the the couple eavesdropped on the conversation from afar.

"What?!" Isabella almost slipped her drink while Sebastian said it.

"Well, everyone's gotta kiss someone. And everyone is paired up. Chris and Natalia. Elizabeth and Jeremy."

"So?" Isabella asked before she understood what Sebastian was implying as to why he came to her with this kissing plan. It had to do with the two people who were standing way too close to each other.

"So? Who would you rather have kiss you, me or a stranger?"

"Oh, good point."

The attention turned to the ball dropping in it's last final seconds, as Natalia and Chris intertwined their hands with champagne glasses in the other. It look a while for Nat to understand that this is what she wants and hopes that the New Year's tradition of being by his side would be one that stuck.

"3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!"
The sounds exploded with cheers, music, and popping of explosives as the couples in the room reverted to their significant other to a kiss. Chris divulged into the smooth and passionate lips of Natalia, who would leave him in lust for more pecks on her rosy cheeks.

Once the two detached each other for their lips, Chris whispered down to Natalia, "Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year." Natalia replied back stilling having her arm linked around his neck.

Isabella kiss with Sebastian was one that she was custom to because of their love interests, but she seemed to enjoy this one more than most. But she wasn't going to tell Sebastian that, "Happy New Year, Seb!"

Sebastian licked his lips, "So did that do anything for ya?" Which resulted in a good small slap from Isabella on his shoulder before she diverted her eyes elsewhere.

She caught onto Chris and Natalia still gazing into one another's eyes, and she couldn't help but feel happiness for her sister who's been neglected of being happy for the past years. In her mind, her sister couldn't have found a better man to keep her company. The only thing that bothered her was that she was being kept from it, her sister was hiding it behind her back.

Isabella cleared up her throat before preceding to address the couple along with Sebastian, first wishing them a Happy New Year, second to try and crack the two.
"We should all make New Year Resolution, it'll be fun."

Natalia clammed up at the sudden interest since Isabella always thought they were absurd. She thought of an idiotic one since she wasn't necessarily going to keep to it, "To drink less this year."

Chris chuckled, "That's a resolution we should all have."

Isabell turned to Chris, "Alright, Chuckles. What's your resolution?"

"To still be in shape." Chris weakly said, starting to break kind of life Natalia.

Sebastian started to sense that Isabella knew something and trying to get information out of them, as he was quickly one to disperse it, "Isabella, yours should be to gossip less."

Isabella scoffed as she looked up to Sebastian, "Yours should be to stop being a flirt."


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