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060. ❛ there it is.


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Natalia waited for the woman to come back with her doctor; her leg kept thumping up and down against Chris's. He placed a hand on his wife's leg stopping her agitated leg and calming her anxiousness. His hand remained on her leg as her hand was placed on top of his, intertwined together and bringing ease to her worried state.

"It's going to be fine. The doctor is going to come in here and check on that little nugget growing in there. You don't need to be nervous." He said to her as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm a worrier. You knew this when you married me. I can't help but worry." She unlinked her fingers from his and started to twiddle with her own.

"That's why you married me," Chris said placing a small kiss on the side of her head. "I help with your worries. Because your worries become my worries and I will do my job as a husband to calm you."

Natalia looked up at him and smiled brightly, "I love you, Chris Evans."

"I love you, Natalia DiCaprio-Evans." He responded placing a subtle kiss on her face before the doctor walked in.

Natalia laid in the reclined chair with Chris by her side holding her hand as the doctor ran his normal procedure.

"How far along are you?" Natalia was asked while grabbing Chris's hand.

Natalia looks alarmed in a sense that she didn't really know when she could've gotten pregnant,"Uh, I'm not really sure how to answer that."

The doctor smiles at her,"Okay. Let's see what we can see."She gestured to the machine as she booted it up.

Natalia lifted her shirt so that the doctor could place the gel over her belly. She used the wand to explore  Natalia's belly, the couple looked at the monitor. Chris's grip on Natalia's hand kept getting stronger as the wand kept rolling on her belly.

Chris and Natalia looked at the screen, "Here is your uterus. And right here is your baby."

"Oh my God." Natalia whispered looking in marvel at the monitor with some tears in her eyes. She was going to be a mother, she was having a baby with the guy of her dreams.

"From the looks of it, you're 2 months along." The doctor said, surprising the couple who instantly snapped their necks in her direction.

"Two months? That can't be possible, I menstruated last month." Natalia revealed to her.

"It's misinterpreted for spotting which is vaginal bleeding, that must've happened last month. And the first month would've been when you're last menstrual cycle was done." The doctor explained to the couple who were nonetheless happy.

"Congratulations. I'll give you two a minute." The doctor leaves the two alone and couldn't help but tear up. Especially Chris, who had a hand planted on Natalia's belly and the other on the screen, almost mesmerized by the image.

"2 months pregnant? Wow," Natalia exhales as Chris looks back to her. She started to do the math in her head of how she could be far along without noticing and having any signs.

"Do you know what else was two months ago?" Natalia asked Chris, who shook his head. "It was the night that we..."

Chris's mouth made an 'o' sound as everything clicked in his head as well. "If I can say so, I think I did my job correctly." He smirked resulting in a smack from Natalia.

She huffed as she got up seeing the picture in full, and grasping Chris's hand. "That's our baby."

"That's our baby."

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