fifty nine.

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059. ❛ birds and the bees.


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spangles 💕:
how is my beautiful wife on this beautiful day?

Did you do something bad?

spangles 💕:
No. I can't ask how my wife's
day is going without getting accused of it being for something bad.

Well, it's because you're still making up for breaking the
cookie jar.

spangles 💕:
That was a total accident.

Yeah, okay.
Anyway, do you remember the birds and the bees?

spangles 💕:
You mean the thing called sex?
Yes, I am VERY AWARE considering what happened this morning 😏

Like I was saying, you asked if anything interesting is going on.

spangles 💕:
I do remember.

Babe, I took a pregnancy test.

spangles 💕:
Are you serious?
Are we?
Are we?

It's positive.
We're pregnant.

spangles 💕:
I'm having a baby with the woman of my dreams.
Baby, you have no idea how happy this makes me and
I'm driving home right now.

I'm happy 😊
I can't wait to meet the little nugget.

spangles 💕:
That's what you are going to call the baby? A nugget?

Well it's because the baby's
really small and the size of like a nugget.

spangles 💕:
Have you told anyone else?

Not until it's certain.
Tomorrow, we have the doctor's appointment to checkout everything.
Then, we cam tell people.

spangles 💕:
Not to brag or anything but I'm pretty sure that it's real.
If I did my job correctly, then it's real.

The man I married ladies and gentlemen.

spangles 💕:
Watch it, I'm also the father of your child.

Our child.

spangles 💕:
Yeah. Our child.

This is happening.

spangles 💕:
This is happening.
You're carrying a nugget and
I'm going to be father.

Penelope is going to be so

spangles 💕:
Are you kidding?
The whole Marvel cast is going
to freak out.

Yeah, they are.
They've been waiting it longer than we have.

spangles 💕:
They are all going to be aunts
and uncles.

The little nugget is going to be so loved.

spangles 💕:
When are you going to tell your father?

Why? Are you afraid?

spangles 💕:
I'm afraid that he's going to give me a look for knocking up his daughter.

Chris, we are adults.
He's going to understand our needs.

spangles 💕:
That's true.
You're man is one tasty dish.

Well, that's why you married me. I'm a living version of my dad.

spangles 💕:
Please don't put that image in
my head.
Happy thoughts.
Parenthood, baby, marriage, beautiful wife.
I think I'm set for life.

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