sixty five.

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065. ❛ daddy.


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After last nights festivities and early 'presents' for Father's Day, Natalia took it upon herself to get up early alongside Penelope and prepare a nice breakfast for Chris. She made sure that Chris was still asleep when she woke up, which was evident by his obnoxious snore. Before leaving their shared room, she placed a small kiss at the top of his head to which his face self consciously reflected a smile.

Penelope held a finger to her mouth up at her mother, who imitated the same figure as she did. Her daughter moved toes, similar to a ballerina, trying to avoid creaks that would wake up what she consider her father. Natalia tried to contain her laughter seeing her daughter attempt to keep quiet, and she sighed and walked past her daughter who held a pout.

"Well okay, if you want ruin the mission." Penelope said in a hushed whisper, throwing her hands up.

She sent to pickup her daughter and hold her at her side, while she wrapped her arms around Natalia's neck, "It's okay sweetheart, we just have to hurry before Daddy wakes up."

They went to the kitchen and started to get the ingredients to make a special breakfast. Penelope retrieved the eggs and placed it on the countertop before she looked at her mother, who was preparing the pan to make omelet. "Mommy, is Dad your daddy?"

She looked at her in confusion because she didn't understand her question, "What do you mean sweetheart?"

"It because you called him Daddy last night." Penelope said with Natalia turning her back to her daughter to utter a silent 'OMG' to herself that her daughter heard their foreplay last night. She tried to come up with scenarios that she could make up to tell her daughter that wouldn't cause suspicion.

"No, your grandpa is my dad. I was calling you father Daddy because I was saying that name for the baby to hear and he also loved his present I gave him last night." Natalia tried saying with a straight face which was enough for her daughter to believe her. Before her daughter could answer anymore questions, she switched gears.

"Are you ready to give Daddy your present?" Natalia asked Penelope, who nodded and went to go grab it where it was sitting on the living room table.

As Natalia was finishing up the perfectly made breakfast and placed it in Chris' place mat, when he emerged as a giant into the kitchen and swept up Penelope by her side and carried her over to Natalia. He hugged the two of them and placed a kiss on top of Penelope and kissed his wife on the lips, to which Penelope shed her eyes from her parents kissing.

"Happy Father's Day," Natalia said as Chris got down into his knees and rubbed her belly bump. "She says the same thing too."

"I do, too." Penelope said as she jumped on Chris's back and he gave her a small pony back ride before placing her in the stool right next to him.

He looked at the amazing breakfast before him, before grabbing Natalia and pulling her into another hug and whispering into her ear, "Thanks for the amazing present."

Although his eyes were fixated on the breakfast, he craved to know what was in the bad in front of him that contained his Father's Day present. He leaned forward to look in it and both his girls were holding back with anxiousness for him to see it. He pulled out the tissue paper and sarcastically joked, "Oh my god, I got a pen."

Natalia and Penelope looked at each other with their eyes rolling at him, and then he pulled out the next thing that was in bag which was confusing to him as well. "Adoption papers? Am I adopting you?"

Penelope started talking, "You don't have to but I'd liked you to. Legal papers don't change anything."

Chris was brought to tears by Penelope's speech and wrapped his arms around the child, with his tears staining her shirt. All together he felt like he was already Penelope's father but having the sentiment and the official papers to adopt her and become a father to her was extraordinary. This was his family.

This was their family.

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