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013. ❛ it's like a hole in my heart.


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"Hey, I didn't wake you did I?"

"Not at all, what do I owe being called at 1am by Natalia DiCaprio?"

"I just wanted to let you know
that I wasn't going to be on set
until Monday."

"Do I need to be worried?
Are you sick again?"

"No, nothing you need to worry about Chris."

"I become worried when
you won't be on set till Monday."

"I just need to go.
It doesn't sound like much."

"It wouldn't have to do with me?"

"Not at all.
It's someone different."

"Oh, did you and Jack...?"

"Yeah, I just kind of need to go be with Jenna until I come back on Monday."

"Does your dad know?"

"Yeah, I called him first before dialing you."

"I'm sorry about Jack.
I knew how much you wanted it to work."

"Yeah, it was short lived but
what can you do?"

"Leave while filming your

"Don't start with me, Evans."

"You started this when you
called me at 1am."

"Then the person who I call next will be Seb over you."

"Don't become that petty.
Besides I like when you call me in the middle of the night.
I like hearing your voice."

"That makes two of us."

"When does your flight leave?"


"Why do you leave so early?"

"In order to get there at 1am.
Time differences."

"Who's driving you?"

"Me. I didn't want to bother anyone at this time."

"Except for me."

"You always answer."

"I'll drive you to the airport."

"Chris, its fine. You need sleep for tomorrow's shoot."

"I'll drink a lot of coffee.
You know now much I love coffee."

"Unfortunately I do."

"Be ready at 2."


"Do me a favor?"


"While you're in LA, don't
fall in love with anybody. Because if you and Jack
are over, I'd like to visit the idea of you and I possibly going out for dinner."

"Is Chris Evans asking me out on a date?"

"One might say that, or
just a friendly gathering."

"I would like that Chris Evans."

"I'll see you Natalia DiCaprio."

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