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Calum got woken up by Luke. Luke had a nightmare. A worse one at that. "Babe, calm down. Don't worry." Calum said, trying to calm down Luke. Luke was crying. Not in pain, not in joy, not in embarrassment, but in fear. He had many fears, a lot of them are basic fears that mostly anyone has. But, these fears are not common to most people. Fears, people should have to even worry about. His fears are the people that have hurt him. His dad, –if he could even call him that– that man that kidnapped him, Edward, and Calum, but it was very rare for Luke to have nightmares about Calum.

"Was it bad?" Calum asked. "Y-yes." Luke nodded. "Calum, please don't let–let him get me again." Luke begged with those sad and fearful eyes. "I won't ever let him touch you again, I promise." Calum brought Luke into a big hug. Calum let Luke cry freely on his shoulder, knowing it was good to let his emotions out. After 5 minutes of them just sitting there, Luke finally stopped. "C'mon, let's go to bed." Calum said. They laid back down and Luke was being very clingy. But Calum didn't mind at all. He understood. Calum was waiting for Luke to fall asleep first and he did.


Luke felt bad that he woke Calum up, he keeps doing and he can't stop. He feels really bad about it because Calum needs his sleep. When they woke up, they both were still tired, especially Luke. Calum yawned. "Calum I'm sorry I keep waking you up in the middle of the night. I'm a terrible boyfriend." Luke said, on his side, his back facing Calum. "Babe..." Calum said turning Luke over. "Please stop saying you're a bad boyfriend because you're not. You're the most perfect boyfriend ever." Calum kissed Luke's forehead. "What made you think you weren't?" He asked. "Well..." Luke say up. "I always get hurt and I don't want you to get annoyed with me when you always have to take care of me. I always wake you up and you're always tired. I'm always clingy. I'm sorry." Luke sighed and pouted.

"Oh babe." Calum chuckled scooting closer to Luke while putting an arm around him. "Don't worry, I love taking care of you. When I get woke up, it just shows that you're still here and that no one has taken you. And it's alright if you're clingy, everyone's clingy." Calum said. "Yeah I know but—" Calum interrupted Luke with a kiss. "Stop worrying, not go brush your teeth morning breath." Calum laughed. "Yeah yeah." Luke laughed while putting his clothes back on. Calum did the same.

Luke was scrolling through his phone but he got bored. So he grabbed Calum's phone and took a bunch of selfies on it. He heard Calum turn off the water so he quickly turned it off. Luke plastered a smile on his face when he walked out. Calum gave him a weird look.

It took Calum about a few seconds to find Luke's selfies on his phone. "Really babe?" Calum asked. Luke couldn't help but just giggle. "You're lucky you're cute and you're my boyfriend." Calum kissed his forehead. Luke's stomach still hurts, a lot as a matter of fact. Calum knew this. Luke has been hurt so many times, it's just got to a point where Calum just knew. Calum got up and brought Luke an ice pack. "Thank you." Luke looked up at him with those cute eyes. "You're welcome princess." Calum smiled.

Luke was scared that the person would find him again, but he didn't tell Calum because Calum already worries to much about him, or so he thinks. Calum honestly doesn't mind. He loves Luke. Luke wasn't really the same after that. He would always double check everything to make sure no one was there. He would get scared so easily now. It's really sad. But Calum couldn't be any more proud Luke. After all the shit he has been through he's still holding on.

"Calum, what if the person comes back?" Luke asked. "Don't worry babe, he won't. I won't let him." Calum smiled. "You look beat, get some rest." Calum said. Luke sighed, hoping he will not have any nightmares again. He hated those.

Luke's POV

I was running down a hall way. I didn't know who or what I was running from. Then, me being my clumsy self. I tripped. My life flashed before my eyes. It was the cop, the guy who kidnapped me, and the guy who had shot me. But, I couldn't see the guy who shot me. He was wearing a hoodie. I tried getting back up, but they pushed me back down. They started beating me. "Stop please!" I cried. "Please." I pleaded. They wouldn't stop.

I wanted to run, but it hurt so bad. "Stop please. It-it hurts!" I sobbed. "Luke." I heard. I thought I was going insane. "Luke." I heard again.

Luke woke up, sweat and tears on his face. "Babe, you okay?" He asked. It had gotten to the point where Luke couldn't say yes to that question any more. He shook his head. "C'mere." Calum held out his arms. Luke cried. Calum didn't mind because he knew people have to let out there emotions every once in awhile.

"Babe, calm down. They cannot get you here. You're safe." Calum assured. Luke nodded. There was only one place they could get them, that was inside his head. He knew that he could never escape them. "Have you every tried taking therapy?" Calum asked. "T-therapy? You think something's wrong with me?" Luke asked, looking at Calum, looking hurt. "Oh no baby, they can help make your nightmares go away." Calum said. "I-I don't know." Luke said. "For me please?" Calum asked. "Fine." Luke looked sad because he genuinely thought Calum thought something was wrong with him. He felt hurt.

"Come on, let's go to sleep." Calum said. Luke scooted closer to Calum, clinging on to him.


It was after Luke's first therapy session and Calum really wanted his nightmares to go away. No one should ever have to live with their past, ever. Luke came out looking the same but Calum knows that it'll have to take time. "How'd it go?" He asked. Luke shrugged. "I'm just hopeless. Sorry I let you down, Cal." Luke said walking to the car. Calum jogged up to him. "Hey, you are not hopeless. It has to take time. You could never let me down." Calum told him. Luke hugged him. Calum didn't hesitate to hug back. "I'm sorry Calum." He cried.

"It's okay babe." Calum said. Luke separated from their hug and Calum wiped his tears. "It's okay, it really is. I love you so much, don't ever forget that." Calum said. Luke nodded, smiling,"I love you too." Then they went home.

So I have a new story, it's Lashton. It's a six worded story. It's called everlasting. Go ahead and read it if you want.

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