Chapter Four - DoT

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Writen by TashaRayBartonWest! :D ENJOY!


Saleen Harper turned around and quickly started talking. "Myfriendjustcalledandsheisintrouble!" Saleen took a breath. "Ihavetogohelpherthenicantellyouaboutmyattackpleaseletmego!"

"Whoa, whoa slow down." Tony said walking up to Saleen.

She sighed obviously flustered. "Okay so I need to talk to you about the aliens that attacked New York but I just got a call from my friend! She got attacked I have to go help her then I can talk but she's hurt I think."

"Here I'll come with and we can talk on the way. Plus I might be able to help." Tony said. "JARVIS I need a suit." Suddenly the floor opened up in front of Tony and a mechanical platform arose slightly. He stepped on it and suddenly arms came from the roof and he was soon suited up. The floor closed up.

"Let's go." Tony said his voice was now slightly robotic. Saleen went full Icicle mode. "Whoa..." Tony gasped slightly. Saleen ran out of the Tower. Icicle ran to a fire escape and climbed up to the top of the roof. As Icicle ran she froze the distance between the roofs giving her a straight path without any jumping. Tony flew right next to her.

"Where is your friend?" Iron Man asked Icicle.

"She is in an alleyway dying near the Empire State Building." She said slightly ruder then she intended but instead of apologizing she ran faster. Her friend’s last words and her scream echoed in her ears. 'In case you don't see me again, Icicle... Goodbye.' This fueled Icicle. "I won't let you die Vertigo, I promise." She promised a frozen tear hung on her frozen cheek.

"We are here." Icicle said as she saw the building coming up. When she reached the end of the rooftop she was on she jumped and flipped then she made an ice path that she surfed down. She saw Jessie lying on the ground. She gasped seeing the blood pool that Jessie laid in. She ran over to her fallen friend. "Jessie?!" She tried to see if her friend would respond but she didn't.

"Tony, we have to get her help! Now!" She pleaded. She couldn't lose her only friend she just couldn't. She saw Jessie's jacket against her side soaked in blood. Icicle tore the lower part of Jessie's shirt off. She removed the jacket and places the cloth on her wound. She noticed something as she did the switch.

That area of skin was much cooler than the rest of her body. At first Icicle just thought it was from the loss of blood. Then she saw a few Ice crystals in the puddle of blood. Tony came up and picked up her limb friend. "I'll get her back to the tower." He stated. I nodded gratefully.

"Thank you. I'm going to look around." She had a slight feeling that her friend was attacked by more than 'Thieves'. Tony nodded flying off. Icicle walked around ready for anything. After walking around she saw another limb body, but this one didn’t look human. She started jogging over and saw the body of one similar to the aliens that had attacked her earlier that day, also the ones that attacked New York. Icicle saw its weapon and picked it up. Now she had evidence that they were still here and that they probably were the ones that attacked Vertigo.

After returning to Stark Tower Saleen defrosted herself. “JARVIS, Will you tell Mr. Stark I am back and I have something to show him?”

“Right away, Ms. Harper.” The A.I replied. She smiled satisfied when she heard the elevator ding and watched the playboy emerge from it. Saleen walked up and handed him the Chitauri weapon. Tony held it shocked. He guessed Loki would return but not so soon.

“I’ll call the rest of the Avengers, and then we will figure it out from there.” Tony replied. “Once they get here you can tell us your story.”

“Tony, if you don’t mind me asking but how’s Jessie?” Saleen asked. Worry clear in her voice.

“Well I left her in good hands. Want to go see her?” He asked. Saleen nodded quickly. “Alright come on then.” Tony said smiling. He walked back to the elevator gesturing for Saleen to follow. She quickly followed wanting to check on her friend. The elevator doors closed. Saleen was lost in thought. She asked herself about the attacks, why them. She was torn from her thought by the sound of the elevator dinging and the door opened. Tony walked out, followed closely by Saleen.

Soon they arrived at the Med bay area. “Hey, Bruce, you here?” Tony called. Saleen gasped as she saw a man walk into view. His hair held multiple messy curls and his creamy brown eyes looked stress but also relieved.

“Yes. Oh, Hello.” He greeted Saleen.

“Hi.” Saleen replied smiling.

“Bruce, how’s Jessie?” Tony asked smirking at the expression on Saleen’s face.

“She is doing better. I stopped the bleeding and she is in stable condition. She should wake up sometime soon.” Bruce answered.

“Thank you so much.” Saleen thanked. “I am Saleen Harper aka Icicle by the way.”

“You’re welcome.” He extended his hand. “Dr. Bruce Banner aka the Hulk.” Saleen shook his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ll take you to go see her if you want.”

“I would enjoy that thanks.” Saleen smiled.

Tony smirked. “I’ll leave you two alone.” Then he got back in the elevator and left. Bruce led Saleen to where her friend laid on a hospital like bed. She sat in a chair as Bruce left and stared at her friend.

“Oh, Jessie… what have we gotten ourselves into now?”

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