Chapter Eleven - WB039

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Written by WritersBlock039. Enjoy!


Jessie's eyes widened when JARVIS's announcement came on. Saleen's fists frosted over, and she growled low in her throat. Tony folded his arms, looking angry. "Thanks, J," he told JARVIS evenly. "Tell them we'll be right up." 

"Yes, sir."

Jessie looked over at Fury, who had his visible eye narrowed. "So that's that?" she asked.

Fury shook his head. "No. I've seen what Saleen can do, and she could win a smart aleck contest any day of the week. Try and get them to attack you, and we have a reason to do something about them." 

"You're willing to risk SHIELD's name to help us?" Saleen asked, folding her arms. "Really?"  

"You're Avengers now," Fury replied. "They mess with a few of you, they'll mess with all of us." 

"So we just have to piss them off badly and give them an excuse to kill us?" Jessie asked. 

"That pretty much covers it," Tony replied, smirking. "Go on up. The crazy martial arts peeps will be there to back you up." 

Saleen smirked at Jessie. "You ready to annoy these guys to hell?"

"Heck yeah," Jessie laughed, standing up and high fiving her friend.

"Remind me never to piss them off to hell," Natasha commented as they left.


The elevator doors dinged open, and Saleen marched out. She checked that Jessie was following, then halted when she came into the living room. 

Face to face with three police officers and a detective that had guns pointed right at their faces.  

There was a tense silence, then Saleen felt Jessie's arm slip around her shoulders. "You know that if you fire those, they won't hit us, right?" she asked in the sweet and sarcastic voice Saleen finally heard. 

The detective lowered her gun first. "You doubt our accuracy?" 

"Hell nah," Saleen replied, folding her arms. "Apparently you haven't heard what my friend here can do."  

"We've heard plenty," the detective assured her, sitting down. "Why did you kill Rick Johnson?" 

"He was being a jerk," Saleen replied, sitting in a chair and swinging her legs up onto the table nearby. She frowned, looking up at Jessie, who was lounging by the kitchen counter, picking through grapes. "How many times has he done that?" 

Jessie cocked her head, pretending to think. "Infinitely many?" she suggested, popping a grape into her mouth.

Saleen could have sworn she heard two people snickering in laughter from behind the door, and she nodded thoughtfully. "Infinitely many sounds about right," she agreed. 

The detective frowned. "This isn't a joking matter, Ms. Harper. You ran out on your school - "  

"Technically, the police were about to kill me, so I bolted," Saleen corrected.  

The detective's face began to flush. "And Ms. Nightshade, you flat out attacked two students - "  

"Because they were being idiots," Jessie supplied, crossing her legs and eyeing something out the window thoughtfully. "Is that a hawk?"  

"Very cute," the detective growled as Saleen reclined in the chair. "You two really think we're stupid, don't you?"  

"Nah," Saleen replied, waving her hand nonchalantly. "You've just never even asked the specifics of how Rick was killed."  

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