Chapter Five - WB039

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Notice a pattern? :D Written by WritersBlock039. Enjoy!


Something was buzzing in her ear. Something becoming slightly clearer . . .

" . . . have we gotten ourselves into?"

Jessie couldn't help it. She smirked in her sleep. "Truthfully? I don't know a damn thing," she stated. "Wanna take a shot at it?"

She heard a squeal of delight. "Jessie!" Saleen cried. "Thank God!"

Jessie wearily opened her eyes, then blinked them in the sudden light. She had just gotten her eyesight back when she saw Saleen bouncing in a chair next to her. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

Jessie tried to sit up, then hissed in pain when she couldn't. "I can't get upright, so not really, no."

"That'll be the stab wound," Saleen informed her, gesturing to her side. Jessie frowned, then noticed that she was now in a hospital gown - undergarments still on, Jessie thought, relieved - with her hair let loose. She felt underneath the gown, feeling the bandages wrapped around her stomach area. She winced when she hit the area of the wound. "It's freezing."

"I figured. I found ice crystals in the blood when we found you."

Jessie narrowed her eyes. "We?"

Saleen shuffled in her chair nervously. "I may have asked someone else to help."

Jessie's eyes widened, looking around in fear. "Oh, please tell me we're not at a hospital!"

"I wouldn't do that!" Saleen protested. "Are you kidding me, Jess? I know how much you hate going there with all of the doctors!"

Jessie got her underlying meaning. She sighed, leaning back on the bed. "Can you leave me alone to get dressed for a few minutes?"

Saleen nodded. "Sure thing." She stood and drew the curtain, and Jessie was alone.

Jessie stood stiffly, whimpering a little bit when she felt the skin around her stomach tighten. "You okay?" Saleen asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jessie replied in a strained voice. "Just . . . hurts."

"Bruce said it'll be fine."

Jessie blinked as she got into her jeans. "Who?"

"Bruce. He's the doctor here, I didn't hear a last name."

"Did he - ?"

Saleen laughed. "No, he's not that kind of guy. He wouldn't hurt you for the world."

Jessie sighed in obvious relief as she pulled her gown off, then managed to pull another shirt from Jessie's university over her bandages. She frowned, looking around. "Where did my jacket go?"

"Is that a new way to say 'it's safe to come in?'"

Jessie burst out laughing. "Yes, it's fine."

Saleen pulled the curtain away and walked in. "Tony and I used the jacket to stop the bleeding. He got you here, you should thank him."

"Who?" Jessie asked again.

Saleen grinned. "We're in the medical wing of Stark Tower."

Jessie groaned, sitting down again and putting her head in her hands. "Is SHIELD gonna get us?"

There was a ding sound, then a cocky voice replied, "only if you want them to."

Jessie shrank away as Tony Stark - she only knew him from news conferences - and a man who must have been Bruce entered the wing, Tony carrying a familiar spear. "We could always ask them to come and do a few experiments," Tony added thoughtfully.

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