Chapter Eighteen - DoT

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Saleen walked into the same room as Clint, Bruce, and Tony after Bruce had called everyone over the P.A system. They all had weird looks on their faces varying one moment to the next. Tony was typing frantically on the table. Saleen was just finishing putting her long red hair into a braid as she asked, “What’s up?”


The three guys froze and looked at her. Saleen noticed Tony tap on the table and all the holograms disappeared. Saleen rose an eyebrow  as the guys stayed quiet. “What? Are we playing the silent game or something?” She smirked lightly then frowned as Bruce took off his glasses and pinch the brim of his nose.


“Saleen, We believe Jessie somehow made her S.H.I.E.L.D ID and made it into a makeshift credit card…” He began.


“So? After what she’s been through it’s nice that Jess wanted to live a but instead of being trapped in this tower. Sure it’s nice and all but after a while it gets a little boring and all that jazz.” Saleen said with a slight shrug. After all this time Saleen had finally accepted the fact that any moment Loki could attack again and she knew there was a risk outside the Tower but she also felt like Jessie just needed some space. "Even though whacking away at dummies all day sounds fun and all, it would get boring." She stated matter of factly.


"This is serious, Saleen! The last time the card was used was at Starbucks and that was a while ago. The card has pretty much been in active for over an hour.” Tony spoke up.


“Also someone found it and gave it to Starbucks. Jessie wouldn’t leave that on the ground.” Clint added.


Saleen’s eyes widened in realization. “You guys are right. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Got any security cameras in the area?”


“It’s New York of course there is cameras.” Tony said in a duh tone. “And yes I checked them too.”


Saleen rolled her eyes. “May I have a look? I was studying Computer Science and Chemistry so I might have a shot at it.”


“And I’m a genius who studied at MIT.” Tony mocked.


Clint had enough of them just standing around so he stepped in between them and said, “Both of you just shut up! We need to find Jessie right now and that’s all I care about right now so will you both just work with each other like you have done before!” He looked back and forth between the two of them. Both Saleen and Tony had stopped talking. “Good now shake hands and get to work.”


Tony extended his hand and Saleen shook it then they turned to the table and started pulling things up. Security footage, street cams and a few other things. Natasha, Steve and Thor walked in and saw the stressed look on Clint and Bruce’s face. They also saw a determined look on Saleen and Tony’s face. Bruce explained to the newcomers about Jessie’s disappearance. Steve and Natasha left to go look around Starbucks for Jessie while Thor flew around New York.


After about half an hour Saleen paused and zoomed in on a person’s eyes then flipped the image and ran a few programs on it, clearing it up. It showed someone that looked a whole lot like Jessie getting attacked by an Asian. Saleen looked at Tony, “Can you try and see if facial recognition has any clue who this chick is?”


Tony nodded and swiped his hand across her spot and the image flew over to in front of him. He started typing in something and then sent it over to Bruce who was standing on the opposite side of the table. “Check to see if you can find anything official on her uniform. It reminds me of Natasha’s so maybe start there.” Bruce nodded before getting to work. “Clint watch the screen and see if a hit comes up.”


Clint nodded and glanced at the faces that it kept shuffling through.



Ward grabbed Vertigo and stabbed a needle filled with a sedative in it into her neck. He Held onto her as she went limp. He covered her head in a black sack and tossed her into the van that seemed to have just pulled up.  Fitz was in the front seat. Ward hoped in next to the unconscious Vertigo as did Skye. Grant saw Coulson and May go to the SUV and get in. As Ward closed the Van door Fitz pulled away and started driving to the rendezvous point. “Skye did you activate the EMP?”


She scoffed, “Duh.” She replied with a slight roll of her eyes as Ward watched her hit a button. Ward rolled his eyes. Then returned to watching Vertigo, he hoped she would remain asleep the entire way back to base.




Steve and Natasha had arrived at Starbucks moments after the van had disappeared. They saw it turn the corner out of the corner of their eye but the one thing they didn’t know was that their friend and colleague was in that van. Steve walked into Starbucks to ask a few questions. He walked up to the register and asked the woman, which reminded him of one of the woman he saved during the War of New York, “Was a Teenager in here a while back? She has dark hair, dark eyes and is about this tall.” He asked as her while raising his hand to about as tall Jessie was.


The woman looked at him for a second a look of deep thought on her face then she nodded, “Yes. I do believe a teen came in here about 10 minutes ago though. Though the card the lady used was just returned not less than 3 minutes ago.”


“Thank you.” Steve said before turning around and walking back to Natasha who had been asking some people on the street. “Did you find anything?”


“Not really. They said all they remember is seeing a the girl walk down the road and then they didn’t pay much attention to her after that. It is New York after all.” Steve saw frustration gleam in Natasha's eyes as she replied.


“Let’s get back to the others. Maybe they have a clue.” Steve spoke trying to keep the frustration and worry from his voice. He turned towards their vehicle, out of the corner of his eye Steve saw Natasha nod in agreement. They walked to the SUV and climbed in. Steve took the wheel and drove back to Stark Tower.


After Steve pulled into Stark Tower, Natasha and himself climbed out. They walked silently to the elevator, “JARVIS, main floor, Please." Steve called out.


"Right away Captain Rogers." Steve heard the reply as he felt the elevator start moving. Steve and Natasha stayed in a peaceful silence until the door dinged and the doors opened up. Steve walked in and looked at his fellow teammates in confusion. There faces all showed disbelief and confusion. Steve heard Natasha gasp before he noticed the pictures that hovered over the table. One surprised him the most.

Agent Phil Coulson and he was still kicking.

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