Chapter Twenty-Two ~DoT~

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            Saleen laughed as a panting Jessie reached the Tower just as they were about to leave. “Enjoy your run?”  She smirked. She laughed as she got an eye roll in response.  “Well you made it just in time. Tony has been going off the walls about going to get Shawarma since before I called you.”

            “SHAWARMA! We are off to get shawarma. Shawarma!” Saleen spun around to see Tony singing and linking arms with Clint, Bruce, and Steve, dragging them along as he skipped.

            “Tony! Let me go!” Clint interrupted Tony’s song.

            “No! Now shut up your ruining my beautiful song!” Tony replied before returning to singing. Saleen noticed Clint shoot Jessie a look of desperation, causing Saleen to smirk as Jessie giggled. Saleen looked over to see Bruce had a slight smile on his face and amusement sparkled in his brown eyes.  Steve looked like he just wanted to get away.

            Saleen and Jessie shared a glance before smirking and linking arms with the men, Saleen with Bruce and Jessie with Clint. They started singing with Tony causing Natasha to chuckle as she showed up and linked arms with Jessie. Thor also shared a hearty laugh as he met up with the group. “We are off to get the Shawarma! The wonderful shawarma of New York!” The group sang as they started skipping mainly due to the fact Tony, Saleen and Jessie were. Deciding just to walk well skip to the Shawarma joint the group headed down the sidewalks of New York.

            Saleen looked at the shawarma cautiously. “Come on! Try some! It’s really good.” Tony encouraged next to her.

            Saleen threw her hands up, “How can you guys like these?! They look like someone puked in a tortilla and called it good.”

            “They are smoky, meaty, deliciousness!” Tony argued as he bit into his own. “Yummmmm!” He over exaggerated as he finished his bite. Saleen just rolled her eyes before picking her shawarma up. She slowly raised her dinner to her mouth and took a tentative bite. Then she slowly chewed. The sudden delicious taste of the shawarma flooded her senses. Not wanting to give Tony the satisfaction of being right, Saleen spit it out with an over exaggerated spitting noise.

            “Yuck!” She exclaimed. She heard Jessie, Clint, Natasha and Bruce start snickering.

A gasp rang out from Tony. “How can you not like it!? Everyone else does!”

“Well if you haven’t noticed Stark, I am not exactly like everyone else.” She smirked and picked up her glass of pop, which quickly turned to a sold icicle. “Plus I am smart, pretty and I am a natural ginger!”

“Yeah you sound like Natasha and Pepper!” Tony spoke.

“Well here’s something that is different about me, before my reputation went down the drain I was studying to major in Computer Science or Chemistry. That’s how I knew how to help you.” Saleen stuck her tongue out at him. He just sat there with no reply. She shrugged, “I didn’t know what I wanted to be.”

“I figured you had some experience but I never expected you to try and major in them. Then again I kinda forget you were a college freshmen and Jessie was a High School freshmen.” Tony answered taking a bite of his shawarma.

“What can I say, we’re matured beyond our years.” Saleen smirked.

“Maybe in another universe.” Jessie spoke up chuckling.

“True…” She smiled as she seemed to be thinking about what Jessie had just said then spoke, “Oh well! We are still amazing!”

“You know it!” Jessie exclaimed and the two girls high fived.  

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