Chapter Sixteen - DoT

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Saleen ran over to Natasha just as she reached the tower. “You never answered me! How’s Jessie doing?” Saleen looked at Natasha to see that Natasha’s eye showed worry too.

            “She’s scared. Loki has a way to play tricks on you. He knows how to get into your head and he uses your fears against you… He controls you using the fear. Loki had to do something to her because you know how Jessie and Clint look at each other. How she trusts him… well she pushed him away and now she is spooked by any man she sees.” Something flashed in Natasha’s eyes. It almost looked like understanding but Saleen ignored it.

            Saleen growled.  “I am going to personally kick Loki’s ass! Where’s Jess?” She asked wanting to check on her friend.

            “Saleen remember this, Loki wants your blood so don’t do anything stupid as to where he can get it.” Natasha warned Saleen before walking away. “Jessie’s this way.” Saleen followed her impatiently.  Natasha stopped in front of Jessie’s bedroom door.

            Saleen watched as Natasha knocked gently. “Hey Jess… It’s Natasha and Saleen may we come in?” There was a no answer. Nat gestured for Saleen to open it as she stepped aside. Saleen nodded and wrapped her fingers around the door knob gently opening it.

            “Hey, Hey Jess.” Saleen said putting on a smile. She was shocked by the look in Jessie’s eyes. The fear in Jessie’s eyes made Saleen want to shutter. “Are you alright?” She went over and sat on the edge of Jessie’s bed. Jessie flinched but didn’t answer her.

            “What’s wrong, Jessie?” Saleen asked carefully not trying to frighten Jessie anymore. Jessie mumbled something no one could pick up. “What?”

            Jessie said it again this time a little louder making it just loud enough for Saleen to hear, “Not again…” Saleen sighed not knowing what to do.

            “Jess, you hungry?” Saleen asked her. She weakly nodded her head no. “When was the last time you ate anything?” Saleen asked concerned for her friend’s wellbeing.

            “Just leave me alone Saleen! I am fine!” Saleen clambered of her bed as Jessie snapped phasing through her bed and floors, through the rooms below and made her way to the training room. The only thing she could go now to clear her mind was train. Saleen wanted to go after her but knew she needed her space.

            “Oh Jessie, What did Loki say to you?” She mumbled walking out of Jessie’s room with Natasha.

Jessie pulled her quarterstaff out and snapped it to full length. She typed in a few selections of what targets she wanted in the training room and then went to the center. She got ready then charged at the first dummy. Jessie smacked it in the head with her staff knocking the head off slightly. Using the back swing she took its head off completely. She moved on to her next targets and then started using her legs to kick the dummies as well.

Vertigo kept moving battering each dummy, thinking about the threat Loki had said. She resisted a shutter as a bead of sweat rolled down her forehead.

~A/N: So I am SORRY it's so short but I was suffering from writers block(Haha no pun of offense attended) and lack of time so I hope my next update is better! Please Vote! Comment! Follow! And my new fav saying...



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