Chapter Twelve - DoT

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Saleen went and sat on her bed pondering about what Natasha had said about Clint. She knew Jessie trusted Clint with her life and frankly so did Saleen. She didn't understand why Natasha was so worried. Clint wouldn't go off the reserve... Would he?

Saleen sighed. Maybe she should go talk to Bruce about this. Or maybe Tony? She didn't know anymore. Life was so much simpler before any of this happened. She just wanted to go back to college and be a semi-normal young adult.

Saleen groaned and got off her bed. She made her way to a mini fridge near her. She had a feeling Tony would be hiding something good in there. She pulled out some lemon flavored vodka.  She looked around her room for a glass to see none so she just opened it and drank from the bottle.

A burning sensation crept down her throat as she drank only a shot. She pulled the bottle away from her lips and capped the bottle. She set it on her bedside table and laid in bed. Her mind roamed as she tried to fall asleep.


Jessie laid on her bed Natasha's words playing over and over in her head. There was 101 ways to take what Natasha had said. Jessie wanted so bad to just forget about what Natasha had said but she couldn't. Of all the things that happened lately the only person there was Clint. Saleen had tried but Clint had always been there.

Clint saved her from Alex, he calmed her down when she was scared, he also was the one that stopped her from wanting to just step off the porch. She felt like she wanted to cry but she had no more tears left to shed. Jessie got out of bed and roamed around her room. Why did this stuff always happen to her?!

Suddenly Jessie heard a loud explosion, running towards it she phased through her door and into the hall. She ran down the hall soon joined by Clint and Thor. Hearing a smaller explosion she pin pointed that the explosions were coming from beneath them so she grabbed Clint’s hand and phased both of them through the floor, leaving Thor to find his own way. Soon the both of them reached the level where she already saw Tony, Icicle, Hulk and Natasha trying to fight a large group of Chitauri and Frost Giants.

Jessie reluctantly let go of Clint’s hand as he needed both to shoot his bow. Once they separated he looked at her and mouthed, ‘Be Safe.’ She nodded and gave him the ‘You too.’ look. Then he looked away and started firing arrows at the Chitauri. Jessie ran up to one of the Chitauri and phased through it but not before grabbing its weapon and bringing it with her. Then she pointed the weapon at it and shot it. Then she took the gun and whipped around smacking a Chitauri that came her way, in the head killing it.

She saw Saleen was easily holding her own along with Tony and Thor, who must have showed up while she was fighting the two Chitauri. Natasha was up in a corner fighting off about half a dozen Chitauri and three Frost Giants. So she ran over to help. She managed to shoot one of the Frost Giants and it fell collapsing on top of 2 Chitauri. Natasha managed to take down another 3 Chitauri with her weapons then she whipped the last Chituari in the head with the butt of her gun. That left two Frost Giants.

Jessie made sure her arms were covered as she ran, sliding under the Frost Giant and wrapping her arms around its legs pulling it to the ground. Then Natasha put a few bullets in it. Natasha managed to take the other one out by herself. Then they turned to help the others, Jessie ran and started fighting side by side with Saleen and Clint. Out of the corner of her eye she saw some blast of blue light hit Tony. The armor surrounding Tony’s chest and arc reactor blew apart and you could see that it shattered his reactor. He started gasping for air and visibly turned paler.

Then she saw Natasha get hit by the same blue energy as the stuff that hit Tony, she flew back crashing into the wall and collapsing. Clint tried to get over to her before he got hit as well. An evil laugh rippled through the air as Saleen, Steve, Thor and Jessie turned around and saw a green and gold cloaked figure walking in through the gaping hole. Everyone still conscious tensed visibly. “Loki…” Clint hissed.

“Hello Agent Barton.” Loki replied slyly with a sickening smirk on his face. “Now hand me the girls and your demises will be less painful.”

“Never.” Clint said quickly. Jessie gasped as she saw Loki raise a scepter towards Clint. Without anyone noticing she entwined her fingers with his. She wasn’t going to willingly let Clint get hurt even after what Natasha said. Loki fired a blast. Jessie concentrated and it went through Clint. He glanced at her thanking her. Loki’s face contorted into a look of complete and utter anger. Clint smirked slightly. Loki saw his face and decided to take out the remaining team, Cap managed to block most of the blasts except the one that counted, He got hit in the head and fell, and somehow Loki also managed to blast Thor. Hulk was still off fighting about a half a dozen Frost Giants and Chitauri. Clint, Saleen and Jessie all gave each other a look.

Jessie knew that without the others they had no chance in beating Loki, but they were going to try. Saleen’s hands shifted into long swords, while Clint loaded his bow and Jessie grabbed a Chitauri’s weapon off the ground. Loki’s lips moved slightly and there was a blinding light and the Hulk, Clint, Saleen and Jessie fell to the ground trying to get there eyesight back.


Clint tried vigorously to clear his eyesight when he felt something hit him in the back of the head. His vision went blurry and the last thing he remembered was his hand entwined with Jessie’s before he blacked out.


Saleen finally regained her sight and noticed Pepper was helping Tony replace his broken reactor. She saw that Pepper was having a hard time trying not to cry. Saleen stood up and made her way over to Jessie. “Hey, Jessie. Are you alright?” She questioned as she saw Jessie open her eyes slightly. Jessie nodded then looked around.

“Where’s Clint?!” She exclaimed. Her eyes darted around the room. She saw her arrows were spilled around where he had been.

That caused Saleen to look around as well. She noticed that Bruce was no longer there. “Bruce isn’t here either…” She muttered. “We have to help the others but I promise we will find them.” She promised her friend as she pulled her into a hug. Jessie nodded and when they separated she ran over to Thor. Saleen ran over to Steve. She picked him up and ran to the closest table that was anywhere close to his height. She managed to put her sweatshirt on his head stopping the blood that was oozing from the gash on his head.

Then she ran over to see that Tony was breathing easily now and that Pepper was helping Natasha. Saleen saw Thor was up and ready for a fight. She returned to Steve and did her best to stabilize him. Luckily for her his serum in his body helped keep him from dyeing on her. She managed to bandage his head and she figured that with his higher healing speed he would wake up within the hour or so.

Now all she was worried about was finding Bruce and that is exactly what she would do.

A/N: Sorry It has taken so long! I've barly had time to do anything! I hope you enjoy the Chapter! Vote! Comment! Follow!


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