Chapter Fourteen - DoT

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So I hope you guys enjoy! Sorry it's short! It was 5 pages on my notebook and I write small so I thought it would be more any who carry on!

Saleen jumped, frosting over slightly, "Gee Willikers Jessie! Scare me to death why don't you." Her playful expression faltered. As she saw the grim look on her friends face. "Jess? What's wrong?!"

"Nothing, just scared for Clint." Instantly Saleen could tell it wasn't the full truth. She rose an eyebrow skeptically. "What?" Jessie asked with a slight shrug.

"I'm scared for Bruce and Clint too but I know you're not telling me everything." Saleen stated.

"I've told you what's wrong! Now leave me alone!" Jessie growled frustrated. Then she phased through Saleen and walked off.

Before Jessie turned a corner Saleen called, "I'm here if you need to talk! Then Jessie turned the corner without another word. Saleen sighed and ran her hand through her hair. Deciding she wanted to go beat something up, she walked to the training room but stopped. She turned around and headed to find Tony.

She found him in his workshop. "Hey Tony." She walked up behind him. She saw him jump slightly.

"Oh, Hey Frozone." He said half-heartedly. Not even a smirk made it's way on to his face. He turned to face her, he looked frustrated. Saleen let Tony's nickname for her slide. Especially since he almost died fighting to protect Jessie and herself.

"How are you doing?" Saleen asked him.

"We'll my reactor is fixed and I can breath again but I'm still trying to figure out why Loki took Clint and Bruce instead of just taking you and Jessie since you clearly are what he needs to improve his army." He replied a confused look contorted his face.

"Leverage Tony. Take Jessie and I the te Avengers wouldn't hold back but if he takes Clint and Bruce then he has some pawns to play with. It's like a game of chess. Your main goal is the king but if you take the other team's pawns then the game becomes more interesting." Saleen explained.

Tony nodded realizing what she meant. "Speaking about Bruce, I think I have an idea on how to find home and if we find Bruce..." She was cut-off.

"Then Clint most likely will be near by!" Tony finished for her. Tony rose his hand waiting for a high five. Saleen obliged and slapped his hand. The both had smiled cloaking the former frustration. "Okay so what's your idea?"

"We'll Bruce gives off small amounts of Gamma Radiation because of the Hulk, right? So if we knew it we might be able to scan for it. Saleen suggested.

"Plus we have a scan of the energy Loki's scepter gives off. So after we locate Bruce's energy we can scan for energy matching Loki's scepter's then cross reference it with our earlier scans." Tony said. Saleen nodded.

"Let's get to work." Saleen smirked.

"Let's." tony agrees then he turned to around and started typing on his computer. Saleen went to another computer and started scanning for gamma rays matching Bruce's. after typing in a few key passcodes it started scanning for Bruce. Then she walked over to Bruce's area.

She grabbed a vacutainer and a needle that attaches to it. Then she returned. "Tony if this doesn't work I have a plan B." he said as she inserted the needle and vacutainer into her arm.

"What's that?" Tony asked not looking up from his work.

"A trade..." She answered removing the vacutainer then the needle. She placed the needle in the trash and held up her vile of blood.

Tony looked up for a second. "Your not thinking what I think your thinking about are you?" He gasped.

A/N: So idk maybe she is maybe she isn't but you always need a plan B :P Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!!


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