Chapter Two - DoT

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Written by TashaRayBartonWest :) Hope you enjoy!


            Saleen slowly returned to normal. Now that Jessie had been found out about she couldn’t take the chance to walk in to class with ice covering her hand. She was debating whether or not she should go after Vertigo or if she should stay hidden. She always wanted a normal life like most others but if anyone ever found out about her mutation she would be robbed of it.  She walked out of the stall and washed her hands and face in ice cold water. She dried her face then exited the bathroom, her face blank as she walked to her class.

She walked in, all the other students plus the teacher stared at her. Ignoring them she sat down and pulled out what she needed. “What took you so long?” Her teacher asked.

Saleen just said, “Sorry, It won’t happen again.” She said quietly. Then Ms. Robertson started talking again. In the back of her mind she was worrying about Jessie, even though she knew that Vertigo could take care of herself, Icicle was still worried. Jessie was like the little sister she never had. If anything ever happened to Jessie, Saleen wouldn’t be able to live with herself.

“Ms. Harper!” Saleen was torn from her thoughts by her teacher.

“What?” She asked in a daze.

“What’s that answer to the question I just asked?” Ms. Robertson asked. Her voice weak and old, it portrayed Ms. Robertson perfectly. She must have been at least 80 years old and probably haven’t seen a dentist in 15 years or showered for that matter. Icicle started to open her mouth but closed it as she couldn’t reply to the question since she didn’t even hear it in the first place. She felt all the eyes on her again.

“Uhhh…” She started.

“Can Ms. Saleen Harper report to the President’s office?” The overhead speaker blared. “Can Ms. Saleen Harper report to the President’s office?”

Saleen froze. Almost literally. Just as she felt her fingertips frosting over she took a deep breath and counted to 10. The frost soon melted and she stood up, without asking and walked out of the class with all her stuff. She knew that this could possibly be the last minutes in college. Saleen sighed. She was tempted to call or text Jessie but she knew that the former senior probably already dumped her phone.

            She trudged through the halls and finally made her way to the office. She grabbed the handle but just as she was about to open it she saw 3 officers in the room. She slid to the side just as one turned hearing the door knob move a little. He signaled to the others and they all pulled out their guns. If it was the mutant they weren’t afraid to use deadly force.

            Saleen started walking the other way. She a corner just as the officers opened the door. Then she broke into a sprint. She felt her hands frosting over with ice but this time she allowed it. Within seconds her hands were completely ice and she started freezing the cameras that she ran past. Soon she saw a fire escape door. She sprayed the entire door with ice then ran through it. The door shattered and she was out of the college. Luckily the officers in the building hadn’t called for backup… yet.

            She concentrated and her hands quickly started melting. She tore off her soaked sleeves and threw them in the trash can as she walked past one, along with all her school items. If anyone saw a college age girl with her books in the middle of a school day they might get suspicious. She pulled out her phone and took the battery out. Once she was away from the school she would turn it back on to see if Vertigo had called her.

            She needed to get out of town or at least lay low for a while. The only problem was that she had nowhere to go.  Slowly she made her way through the streets of New York. When she got the chance she turned down an alley. She intended to climb up a fire escape and travel on top of the roof, until she heard footsteps behind her. Noticing that the fire escape was quite high Icicle formed a plan. She started sprinting down the alley and leaped onto a garbage bin then onto the lowest bar. She swung up, flipped and landed on the lowest level of the fire escape.

            Her entire body became ice to prepare for an attack. Saleen gasped in surprise when she saw that it wasn’t policemen. They weren’t even human. Some looked like giant replicas of Saleen when she was in Icicle form. Others looked like the Aliens that tried to take over New York before.

            The Frost Giants’ hands formed into ice daggers. The aliens each held a gun. It looked like two different models of weapon. All together there was about two dozen. Suddenly one of the aliens shot at her. Then the rest followed suit. Saleen Harper knew that if they happened to injure her in her full Ice form that she would be able to make ice return and repair that area. She also knew that when she thawed out she wouldn’t be hurt well at least as badly. She may just have a few scrapes and bruises.

            Icicle shot a wall of ice in front of herself to block most of the blasts. Saleen continued enforcing the wall since the alien weapons was more effective against it then she expected. The 20 year old hadn’t noticed that a few of the Frost Giants had made their way beneath her until she felt the metal below her being ripped away causing her to start falling down. One of the Frost Giants tried to stab her. To save herself she created a slide under her. Saleen landed on that just dodging the attack.

            The Chitauri continued trying to blast her as Icicle slid along her small slide. Then she made a ramp at the end of it, using that she shot over her attackers. Saleen landed with a roll and then made a wall about three feet thick spreading the width of the alley trapping the aliens. She took off running as she thawed off. Many questions spammed her mind. She wondered why of all people was she being attacked and she wondered if Jessie was also being attacked by them. Saleen hoped not.

            The other thing on her mind was, Where to go now? She had police, Chitauri, and Frost Giants after her. Then it hit her. The ONLY place safe for her was, Stark Tower, home of the Avengers.

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