Chapter Eight - DoT

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Written by TashaRayBartonWest! Sorry it took so long it's been super busy... Anyhow ENJOY!


            Saleen started connecting the dots. She knew that the guy that raped Jessie was on the defense of the football team, now she knew that Alex was the guy’s best friend. It was Rick Johnson. She growled at the name. Saleen’s hands iced over as did her feet. Icicle ran to the balcony and leaped off creating a slide just thick enough to hold her and surfed down. She landed right next to the taxi that pulled up. The Ice on her hands and feet melted as she saw Clint help Jessie out of the Taxi.

            Saleen ran over to them. She saw the slight discoloration on Jessie’s exposed skin where she guessed that Alex had grabbed her. Clint picked Jessie up bridal style. Jessie buried her face into his chest. “Is she okay?!” Saleen asked as she walked beside them.

            “I don’t know.” Clint admitted as the made their way to the elevator. There was a ding before the three even made it to the elevator doors. Bruce and Tony rushed out. Everyone could tell Bruce was p*ssed off because his eyes still held a glint of gamma green in them. Everyone’s eyes showed worry.

            “Let’s get her back to the medical area.” Bruce said. They all got into the elevator. Saleen watched her friend buried her head closer to Clint. She could tell by the glance of Jessie’s eyes that she was replaying all her fears from that night and what just happened over and over again. “JARVIS, Med bay floor, now!” Bruce called into the air.

            “Right away, sir.” The elevator started rising. The door dinged and Clint rushed out followed closely by the others. Clint went towards the bed as Bruce closed the curtain, leaving Saleen and Tony behind. Saleen was ready to tear it down but that might just scare Jessie again.

            “I swear if Alex isn’t dead I am going to skin him alive. Then I am going to murder is perverted rapist of a friend right after I make him watch Alex die!” Saleen growled pacing back and forth angrily. Her hands frosted over and clenched in tight fists.

            Bruce walked to a drawer, pulled it out and grabbed a needle then he went over to the counter and grabbed a small bottle. He filled the needle with a seditive. Then he returned to Jessie and Clint. He injected it into her arm as she held onto Clint tighter. Slowly her grasp loosened and her eyes closed. Clint laid her on the bed which allowed Bruce to examine her. Just to see if she was okay. From what he could tell Jessie would have a minor concussion and multiple bruises. What Bruce was scared of is the emotional and psychological trauma she will most likely have.

            “Bruce, will she be okay?” Worry was clear in Clint’s voice.

            “Only a mild concussion and bruises but I am not worried about that. I am more worried about the trauma she might have when she wakes up…” Bruce replied.

            “I’ll stay with her so she has someone near her when she wakes up.” Clint told Bruce. Bruce nodded and opened the curtain walking out. He answered all the questions from Tony and Saleen as he could. Then Tony and Bruce left. Saleen walked over to the other side of Jessie’s bed.

            There was a worry filled silence that hung in the air. That was until Saleen broke it, “Thank you, Clint.” He looked at her questionably.

            “You saved her, not just from Alex but I see how she trusts you and after that night she doesn’t trust that easily. If anyone can help her through this, it’s you. I’ve tried to get her to tell me who did it, but she would never tell me. I have a feeling she told you though… Just don’t hurt her. Please.” Saleen begged the last part as she looked into his eyes. “She need’s someone that can make her feel safe from them. I’ve tried but I always end up screwing up or something. In the end, I can’t make her feel safe but I know you can.” The she walked away.

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