Chapter Seven - WB039

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A/N: Written by WritersBlock039. Yes, I know it's long, but something pretty major happens to Jessie in this chapter, and she might just be scarred for life about it . . . :P

Anywho . . . enjoy!


Jessie woke up to find the medical room she was in had its lights off. She hesitantly sat up, and when she felt no pain, she looked down at her side and gasped in surprise. The stab wound had healed completely. 

She heard the door slide open, and she looked over as one of the overhead lights clicked on. "Jessie?" she heard Bruce ask. 

Jessie smiled at him. "I'm fine," she told him, swinging her legs off of the bed and planting her feet on the floor. She stood up, then giggled as she nearly fell and Bruce nearly ran over to her. "My legs just fell asleep." 

Bruce smirked. "Saleen's been out of her mind worried. Steve, Fury, and Thor had to pretty much drag her, Tony, and Clint out of here." 

"Am I that important?" Jessie joked. 

Bruce cracked a smile. "To Fury? No. Steve and Natasha still aren't so sure, and Thor's not exactly excited that you got attacked by Frost Giants, but Tony, Clint, and I accepted you both full time." This time he chuckled. "Saleen had to put an ice wall in front of Fury to make him let you both into the Avengers." 

Jessie's jaw dropped, and she stared at Bruce all the way to the elevator. She didn't stop until he started shuffling uncomfortably, then looked at her. "Say something?" he asked hopefully. 

"We're in the Avengers now?" Jessie asked, shocked. 

"Blame Saleen for that decision," Bruce told her, stepping into the elevator. "JARVIS, main floor," he said. 

"Yes, Dr. Banner," JARVIS replied, and the elevator closed behind Jessie as she stepped in. 

Bruce looked at Jessie. "How did you find out about . . . " He waved his arms. 

Jessie laughed. "I call it phasing. I found out about it when I was twelve during a gymnastics practice. I fell while doing the balance beam, and I fell right through the beam. I was freaked out of my mind. Whenever I was alone, I tried it again and again. I fell straight through the beam. Eventually, I learned that I could phase through anything. It comes in handy when you go to a crowded high school." 

Bruce frowned. "It didn't help with the event a few years ago, huh?" 

Jessie was instantly on her guard, looking down at the floor so she couldn't face Bruce. "Apparently it doesn't help when I'm drunk," she replied sharply. 

The elevator doors dinged. "Sorry," Bruce apologized. "I shouldn't have asked." 

"No, you shouldn't have," Jessie agreed. She looked at him. "But thanks for everything you've done." 

"You make it sound like you're going to leave," Bruce noted. 

Jessie shrugged as she stepped out, Bruce behind her. "Haven't decided yet. But I've never really fit in anywhere." 

Bruce shook his head. "Steve's as awkward as you could get. I turn into a raging monster. Thor's a god. Saleen's a freaking icicle! It doesn't get much 'not able to fit in' anywhere else." 

Jessie laughed as they entered the kitchen, where Tony, Clint, and Saleen were talking. "Good point."

 "What awesome amazing point does my science bro bring up?" Tony asked, overhearing the last part. 

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