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Its been a week and I haven't heard from Rachel. I started to feel worried and started to think the worst things possible.

I don't know how, but I was able to convinse mom and dad to let me go back.

"Max. Wake up! Your leaving in an hour." My mom yelled up the stairs. I was already up. I haven't been able to sleep. Because of Rachel and going back to Arcadia Bay.

I haven't been to Arcadia Bay in 5 years. We left because my dad got a promotion and needed to transfer. I tried to convince them to let me stay with Rachel, but they said no. So we left, and we texted nearly everyday.

After a year she texted me and came out. She was bisexual. Which didn't surprise me. She had many, many boyfriends, but she kissed me a lot and said she liked it.

I did to. About 7-8 years ago, we shared our first kiss, which was for 'practice' and I fell for her. I never told her, or anyone.

And I regret it.

I backed a suitcase full of clothes and a backpack with other supplies, including a binder of missing person posters.

I ran downstairs and gave my parents a hug goodbye.

"I love you. Stay safe." My mom said. I nodded and walked to my dad.

"Be good." He said as I hugged him. When I pulled away he gave me a bundle of cash. I looked up at him in disbelief. "Just in case."

"Thanks." I said. I walked out the door and wad surprised to see a taxi waiting. I hopped on and he took me to the airport.


"Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing." Said the pilot through the speakers. I did as I was told and waited. We landed with a lurch and I got up. I grabbed my backpack in the capartment above my seat. I walked of and inside to wait for my suitcase. It arrived quickly and I walked out.

There was a old man, wearing a polo shirt and jeans, his gray hair a mess, holding a sign.

Maxine Caufield

I walked up to him with a smile.

"I'm Maxine." I said he nodded and lead me out the door. We hopped into a small black car and he drove. After 30 minutes I noticed a sign on the side of the rode.

Welcome to Arcadia Bay

My heart started to beat quickly and my palms sweaty. I took deep breaths and was able to calm myself slightly. We drove and I looked out the window, familiar building passed and I smiled.

I missed this place.

We stopped at a light and I notice a car pull up next us. I looked at driver, when I did my breath was caught in my thought and my heart felt it was about to rip out of my chest.

Her hair was short and rugged, the locks a bright blue, with purple at the roots. She had a tank top hung loosely on her frame and her pale skin looked like snow. Except for her right arm that was covered in a tattoo sleeve.

She looked at me and I noticed a necklace with three bullets. She looked at me as if she was going to kill me, but I was distracted by her blue eyes. The light turned green and we turned as she sped of straight in her old rusty truck.

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