I'm Trying To Forget

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-Chloe's PoV-

I held Kelly's hand and walked out of the diner. Joyce called my name but I ignored her. My mind already filled with her words.

She does love you.

She does love you.

She loves me?



Please, yes.

"Chloe?" Kelly says sweetly. I look at her and smile weakly.

"Yes beautiful?" I ask. She smilies her perfect smile and my heart drops slightly.


Because it's not Max's...

"Why don't we go to the light house?" Kelly asks. I let go of her hand when we reach my truck. We climb in and I start the car. She looks at me with her beautiful green eyes. "So?"

"So?" I ask back confused.

"Can we go to the light house?" She asks again. I nod and turn down the road leading to the tall building.

Kelly talks and talks about different things but my mind keeps wondering to a certain hippie.

I smile when I remember when we went up there for a picnic only a few weeks ago. It feels like forever ago.

"-And Emily and Warren had sex only two nights ago. Rumors are going around that she is trying to ruin Max's life." Kelly says. I look at her quickly.

"What?" I ask. She lets out a small chuckle.

"It's only rumors babe." Kelly says. I shake my head.

"No. No. Fuck." I curse. In one swift motion I turn the car around. Kelly screams next to me but I don't care.

"What are you doing Chloe?!" She curses. I don't answer. I keep going. "Pull over!"

"Why?" I ask.

"Just do it!" She yells. I pull over quickly. She turns to me. "Do you still care about Max?"

"What? No. I mean y-" I stumble over my words.

"We are through." She states and gets out the car. I groan and take off.

Got to get to Max.

Got to get to Max.

As I am about to turn the corner to Blackwell I stop. I look dead ahead and think.

She doesn't want to see me.

There is no point.

Just go home.

Just leave her alone Chloe.

And that's what I do. I turn around and head home. Once I arrive I walk up the stairs into my room, fall onto my bed and think about her.

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