You again?

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I woke up and looked at my phone, it was Saturday. But it was already 4 in the afternoon. I must have been super tired last night.

I Crawl out of bed and change quickly. I change into a pink shirt with JOE and a doe, my gray hoddie and jeans. I threw my backpack over my should with my camera, money and a few other things in it.

I walk to Kate's room and knock. She answers in a big T-shirt that goes to her mid thigh, her hair a mess, but that same smile that she wore yesterday.

"Uh. Hi Kate. Um. Do you have a copy of the bus schedule?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. Give me a second." She says as she turns around, she walks to her desk and grabs a yellow price of paper.

"Here you go." She says as she walks back to me and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I say with a smile. She nods and I walk off. I look at it and notice a bus will arrive in 5 minutes. I pick up the pace and arrive just as it pulls up. I walk on and look out the window. We stop sooner than I thought and I hope off.

"The Two Whales." I whisper to myself as I look up at the diner that hasn't changed at all. I walk in and am greeted by the smell of bacon and the sound of silverware hitting things.

I walk to a booth and sit. A lady walks up, her skin pale and her blonde hair in a tight bun. She looks to be late 30s.

"I'm Joyce I'll be your server today." She says as she writes something on her note pad. She looks up at me and smiles. I smile back.

"Max!" She says. My smile grows bigger.

"Joyce." I say. When I was here my family and I would come 4-5 times a week for breakfast. Joyce was always our server and we got to know each other.

"I missed you girly. How was Seattle?" She says resting her hands on her hips.

"Great. Amazing." I smile. She looks at me and writes something on her notepad.

"That's good to hear. The usual?" She asks and I nod. She walks off behind the counter. Soon after the bell rings. Me being my curious self I look up.

My mouth drops when I see the blue haired girl.

Why do I keep seeing her??

She walks to Joyce and they talk. She turns towards my direction and our eyes locked. My heart beat was in my throat, butterflies in my stomach.

Why am I like this around her?!

She walks towards me and I wipe my hands on my jeans. She sits in the booth next to me and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Soon my food arrived, an omelet. I ate it and left, I could feel the blue haired girl eyes looking at me. I look back and she moves her eyes quickly.

I walked out and went through my backpack. I pulled out Rachel's missing person posters and tape. I hung a few on the diner and walked down the street placing a few every so often.

After an hour I got a few streets done and I wait for the bus, which doesn't take long. I head back to campus and start to put some around the dorm area.

I walk to the front of the building as the sun was setting. I smile and take a photo, of the setting sun illuminating the school making it look beautiful. Then I put some on a community board.

As I turn around I bump into someone causing all my posters to go flying.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. I fell to the ground again and looked up.

"You again?" She said, her voice sounded mean but it was soft. Her eyes were hard from anger, but I saw something behind them that I couldn't figure out.

"Yes. Me again." I groaned. I got up and started to pick up posters. To notice there was some, that were similar, but not mine. I looked up and we locked eyes.

"You knew Rachel?" I ask.

"Yes. We were best friends." She said and looked away, her eyes were scared and confused.

"Chloe?" I ask. She looks even more confused.

"Yeah?" She said confused.

"I'm Max." I said holding my hand out. She rolls her eyes and picked up some posters, I did the same and we reached for one and our hands touched.

My stomach did flips, my hands got clamy and my face turned red. Our eyes locked yet again and her eyes were soft and gently, it was to good to be true, because it went to her usual hard and cold state.

"You knew Rachel?" She asked and looked away. I nod and she smirked. My heart stopped and it melted away.

She is so beautiful.

"Want to go to her room?" I said as my voice trailed off. She hesitated but finally answered.

"Whatever." She says. We gathered the last of the posters and walked to Rachel's room.

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