Tell Me

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I wake up and stretch. As I get up I hear my phone go off.

Chloe 😎💞

Hey baby. I'll be over soon to get you. Be ready.

I smile and grab my clothes, a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and gray hoodie. As I'm taking off my shirt the door opens. My face turns bright red when I see Chloe's blue hair.

"Hey sexy." She says with her signature smirk. My face turns a deeper red and she walks over to me slowly. I grab my new shirt and start to put it on.

"No. No. Keep it off. You look better with it off." Chloe says and her eyes show something I've never seen before.

"Uh." I mutter as she takes the shirt out of my hands and throws it on my bed. Her hands gently touch my sides and I jump.

"Shh. Its okay babe." She says letting her hands travel slowly up and down my sides. "You're so beautiful."

Her lips attach to my neck and I gasp at the sudden action. She travels to my collarbone and starts to suck, her arms wrap around my waist. My fingers comb her hair and tug slightly.

Chloe falls backwards on the bed and I fall on top of her. I giggle and Chloe let's out a small laugh.

"So adorable." She mumbles softly. Her lips attack mine. I kiss her back and smile. Chloe's hands travel down to my ass and giving it a squeeze. My eyes shoot open wide and Chloe laughs. I straddle her waist and sit up.

"Where were you going to take me?" I ask with a smile.

"Why go do that when I can do you?" She asks with a smirk. I blush and dig my head in her neck. She rubs my back lightly.

"I love you." She says softly. Memories from last night with Emily come flooding back and I tense up. Chloe looks at me with concern eyes. "You okay SuperMax?"

"Yeah." I say with a smile.

"Max. I know your lying." She says with a very serious voice.

"Its nothing really." I say. "Just homework is getting frustrating."

She doesn't say anything for a moment. Just looking at me with her cold eyes. Then she cracks a smile.

"Okay Maxi-pad." She laughs and I giggle. "Get your shirt on and I'll take you on an adventure."

Chloe opens the door as I grab my shirt and put it on. We walk down the hall hand in hand, smile on both our faces. Mine fades quickly when I see Emily walking up to us.

"Hey Emily." I say weakly. She smilies and turns to Chloe.

"Hey Chloe." Emily says, her voice cheery. Chloe lifts an eyebrow.

"What do you want?" She says a little to harsh. Emily doesn't looked phased.

"Hear any news lately?" She asks. I know what she's getting at. Chloe shakes her head. "Good. And Max meet me at my dorm at 12 sharp tomorrow, we will be heading into the woods for the picture."

She walks past us, hitting my shoulder. Chloe walks and it takes me a minute to walk with her. Once we enter the car, she turns to me.

"Max. Seriously. What's up? Tell me." Something in her voice throws me off.

"Nothing." I say not making eye contact with her.

"Is it me?" She asks sadly. Her fingers grab my chin gently and pulls it up so I look her in the eyes. "If its me just say so."

"Its not you. I promise." She smiles.

"You can tell me anything. I mean anything." She says.

"I know." I peck her lips and she kisses my forehead. She starts the truck and drives off to some mysterious place.

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