I'm Sorry

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I woke up to someone pounding on my door.

"Can I come in?" Someone asked. I was half asleep and couldn't identify it. I got up and walked the door, I opened it to be surprised.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated, Chloe was wearing a tank top that was loose around her body, her sleeve looked bright against the white shirt, her blue hair tucked in a beanie.

"I shouldn't have done that." She says. Her voice soft and her eyes sad.

"Done what?" I ask. Noticing she was trying to apologize, I started to become less irritated.

"I shouldn't have shoved you.." She said her voice trailing off. She looked up and our eyes locked for the first time during this conversation.

"It-its okay." I mumble loosing myself in her blue eyes. She nodded with a smirk that made my heart flutter.

Wait? Do I like her? No. No way. Nope. I can't be.

"So... What do you say?" She asked, holding her hand out. "Partners in crime?"

"Partners in crime." I said as I took her hand. We shook and we held on longer than normal. Our eyes didn't break contact. She released and smirk.

"Okay. So main suspects?" She asked. I motioned her inside, she entered and sat down on the couch. I sat on my desk and pulled out a pen and paper.

"Vortex club?" I asked. Chloe nodded.

"Mainly Nathan Prescott and his fuck buddy." She said. I looked at her confused. "Victoria Chase."

"Wait... Didn't Victoria and Rachel get along?" I asked as I wrote there names down.

"Barely." Chloe said. "They had there moments of friendship, but it always fell apart one way or another."

"Okay... So is that it?" I asked. Chloe nodded.

"At the moment." She said. She held her hands and looked at her feet, as if in deep thought. I couldn't help but stare.

Stop it Max!

"Okay. So.. What are we going to do for... Like clues?" I asked. Chloe looked as if in deep thought.

"Victoria's room is right across from you." She stated. I nodded. "So here's the thing..."

"What?" I asked. Chloe scratched the back of her neck. My heart skipped a beat.

Why is she so adorable all the time?!

Stop it Max!

"Me.. And uh.. Victoria have a history... So you'll need to go in.." She says.

"Ugh! Okay. What about Nathan?" I asked. She smiled a crooked smile and I groaned. "Him too?!"

"I am not the best person to hang out with." She said. I groaned again and looked down.

"Fine. Okay." I said finally. She got up and walked closer to me.

"Come on. Let's get breakfast." She said. I nodded and we headed out. We walked to the parking lot and I bumped into Warren.

"Hey Maximum overdrive." He said with a smile. "See. See what I did there."

"Hi Warren. I did see." I said. I started to walk away.

"Hey. Max. Can I get your number?" He asks. I turn back around.

"Sure." We exchange numbers and I walk to Chloe.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked. Something in her voice threw me off, but I could identify what it was.

"No." I said bluntly. She nodded and got into her truck. I climbed in and we took off. Soon we reached The Two Whales. We headed inside and sat at the booth she sat in yesterday.

"Chloe. Max!" Joyce said as she walked to our table.

"Hey Joyce." I said. Chloe didn't look at her.

"The usual?" She asked.

"Yes please." I said.

"Yeah." Chloe said, still not making eye contact. Joyce wrote it down and grunted.

"What's up with that?" I asked. Chloe looked at me confused.

"What?" She asked, you can see the anger building up behind her eyes. "What makes you think you can talk to me like that?"

"I didn't mean it to be rude." I said. Chloe didn't seem convinced, her anger still building. "Why did you talk to her like that?"

"Because she married a dick." She said crossing her arms.

"Why do you care who she marries?" I asked confused.

"Well, wouldn't you care who your mom married?" She asked.

"Wait... Joyce is your mom?" I asked.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Super Max figured it out!" She said sarcastically.

"Nicknames already?" I asked with a smug look on my face. She looked at me surprised and couldn't come up with a comeback. I let out a giggle.

Man she's cute....

DAMMIT Max! Stop it!

"Here you go ladies." Joyce said setting plates in front of us.

"Thank you Joyce!" I said placing a napkin on my lap. Joyce looked at Chloe who said nothing because her face was being stuffed with pancakes. Joyce rolled her eyes and walked away. We ate in silence, when we finished we headed out.

"So.. When are you going to go all ninja mode?" Chloe asked.

"I don't know... When they aren't around." I said looking at her, she was looking at the road, but how the sun hit her she looked beautiful.

Stop it.

"No shit Sherlock." She said. We drove in silence and she missed our turn.

"Uh.. You were supposed to turn that way.." I said. She shook her head.

"Nope." She says. I was confused. Soon we reached a junk yard. "Welcome to my second home."

I got out and I walked around. My mind wondered and I found myself on a boat. Chloe next to me.

"So." I say.

"So?" She replies looking at me. My heart skipped a beat as she looked at me with those deep blue eyes. I wanted to kiss her.

But I stopped myself.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"I needed to chill." She says. She looked at the sky. I took my camera out and angled it. She must of thought of something because she smiled. Not smirk... But smile.

I took the photo quickly. She turned to me with wide eyes.

"What did you do?" She asked. I giggled.


"Tell me." She said leaning closer.

"Just took a photo." I say fanning it by her face, she tried to snatch it but was to slow. I put it over my head and she reached for it, my arms went on the far side of her and she reached for it.

She looked at me. Our noses touching, she bit her lower lip. The urge to kiss her grew stronger, but I fought back. She took the photo and looked at it.

"This is hella cool." She said. I nodded and we sat in silence. As the sun set she took me to Blackwell. I walked to my dorm and feel asleep.

With Chloe roaming my mind.

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