New 'Friends'

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They both walked with a bit of a swagger and I shifted in my seat a little. The boy walking slightly ahead had chocolatey brown hair styled in a quiff. His cheekbones stood out prominently, his skin was flawless- not a spot in sight and his blue eyes were like pools as you find yourself falling into them and then drowning everything else out..

"Harry snap out of it!! That's not happening here!" I remind myself, in my head of course.

The same boy wore a body tight black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black Vans pumps and a black leather bracelet. He may wear depressing colours but he does look HOT! Not now Harry!!

The second boy was very good looking as well, he had blond wispy hair styled in a quiff as well. He wore a white polo shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and white low-top converse.

They were getting closer and I realised that they were walking over to me unless there was someone behind me, so I look behind me.

And there was a wall right there, Well done Harry.

I turned back around and locked eyes with the HOT one and he had a smirk plastered across his face, obviously because he saw me turn around. I blushed in embarrassment and before I knew it they were at my table.

"You're the new kid" the HOT one tells me as if I didn't know.

"Errrrm yeah, I am" I reply struggling to find something to say.

"I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson and this" he points to the other boy now standing beside him, strangely grinning at me- "is Niall Horan.".

"Harry Styles" I reply.

They both suddenly swung a chair around and sat down at my table. I didn't know what to do so I just sat there looking at Louis who swooped his hand down to the other half of my bagel and started stuffing his face. Yeah you can have it.


"Harry" I remind him but he still seemed to be thinking.

"Curly!' He exclaimed through a mouthful of bagel. Original I thought but my face must have shown confusion, he ignored it and continued.

"You've got the locker which belonged to our... 'friend'." He smirked 'friend'.

"Now he's gone, we've decided that you are to be our new 'friend'" He tells me.

Niall was just nodding along, grinning at me or pinching bits from the bagel.

I thought on this, I had no one and I needed to know where everything was and maybe these guys could show me.

But if their friend had just left, Mrs Smiths had said that the last kid had left because of bullying and if I have his locker it could be a guy called Marcel.

These thoughts all gave me enough reasons to accept or decline but then I reminded myself that if I don't like these guys, I could just walk away.

"Yeah, sure" Louis and Niall both grinned as if they were up to something but I just brushed it off.

"Give me your planner." Louis ordered, I thought that it was a bit rude but I brushed it off because he was talking with food in his mouth so he may not know his manners.

"Why?" I asked, handing him my planner but he just ignored me again and flicked to the back to my timetable. He looked up at me grinning again and I had no idea what I looked like.

"You have every lesson with me except for P.E" I was quite glad at this because I could walk with them to every lesson without getting lost, so I smiled.

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