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I stood in the doorway behind Louis, watching him nervously as he scrolled through his Twitter feed with his back to me. I think he was completely oblivious to the fact that I was there. I wanted to get out of the doorway but I was just too awkward to do anything. Technically it was my room too so I should have just walked in and lay on my bed like anyone else would. But it wasn't my room. Everyone knew it. Jo keeps on reassuring me that I'm part of the family now, I don't have to ask to use this or ask to eat that but even she knew it. This was Louis' room.

Oh no, oh God. Oh my nose!! No! Err go away! Ahhh ahhhh. No please!

"ACHOOO!!" My eyes flew open after they scrunched up to sneeze and Louis span around too.

"Oh Harry, it's you." He said with a kind of surprised face but not really a surprised voice. I don't know. He went to turn back around but then his neck twisted to face me again.

"Wait, how long have you been standing there for?" One eyebrow raised a bit and his lip twitched a bit into a smirk. I haven't seen him smirk in about a week and it was hard for me to not smile too. He was acting as if his mum had died with how sad he's been. He better not be so stupid as to think that this was his fault.

"Errrm just got here." I lied unconvincilingly and then I pushed off the frame and stepped into the room in the direction towards my bed. Wait. Where's my bed?? I turned to Louis with utter confusion spread across my face because I couldn't think of one logical reason as to why my desk was standing where my bed was this morning. He was looking at me still, as if to see my reaction.

"Yeah, about thattt..." He swivvelled his chair around so that his whole body was facing me. "Mum got an email from school saying that we both get extra time to complete homeworks and everything given the current situation-" What?? "-and I know I don't deserve that because this is about you and it's not bad for me, it's bad for you and it was my fault and everything-"


"So for some reason that led my mum to the thought of you not having your own place to work and something about everyone living under her roof will give in decent work and whatever," He took a breath and looked me in the eye. "Basically, we've got to share a bed because we can't fit two beds and two desks in one room. Well not this one anyway." I dragged my feet along the carpet towards Louis' bed, turned around and dropped down so that I bounced a bit. I tried to take in everything he just said.

So instead of just living with my bully, oh no that wasn't enough, I have to share a bed with him too!! Be grateful, just try and be grateful. I'M TRYING, I'M TRYING!! YOU GO AND SHARE A BED WITH SOMEONE WHO HATES YOU AND BEATS YOU UP AND LET'S SEE HOW HAPPY YOU ARE ABOUT THAT!!

I felt Louis sit next to me, quite close actually. His arm wrapped around my neck gently and his hand rested on my shoulder. I tried to stiffle the flinch but I knew he noticed. I turned my head and looked at him and he looked back and then his eyes sparkled for a second like when he's happy or made a joke. Just like they used to.

"If it makes you feel any better," He began and his lip twitched again, trying to fight the urge to smirk. "I did change the sheets for you." And then the cheeky grin graced across his face. I kind of laughed through a sigh and looked back up at him with a smallish smile but I felt it. But it still hurt. Urghh I can't explain myself.

"That's the most I've heard you say in a week." I smiled more with my eyes and my voice was husky from screaming earlier.

"Same for you too." He smiled even more and it looked like he'd been dying to for a week. I don't know why, I just wasn't thinking. I was barely awake from being exhausted from crying so I wasn't thinking straight but I just did it. I shuffled around and lay my head on his shoulder into the crook of his neck and he adjusted his arm around me. There was silence for about ten seconds as I closed my eyes but then Louis cleared his throat awkwardly.

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