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I hugged Harry's hip and waist tighter and burried myself into his toned but comfy chest. He hugged me back closer and I smiled. The duvet was tucked up under my jaw line so I think he still saw me smile. I could feel his smile too. This was nice. More than nice but I couldn't find the words for it right now. This is better than words. He shuffled a little bit underneath me so I lifted slightly up and then he sunk back down into the pillows. I'm so glad he stayed. I was surprised when he said he would, with me being the crazy knife person and all. But then I guess I kinda was expecting him to say yes. To be honest, I'd be pretty devestated if he said no.

"Thanks Harry." I slurred as I snuggled further into him. I was meant to say it in my head but it came out loud instead. Great.

"For what?" He asked, I love the deep voice he gets after lying down or relaxing for a while.

"Nothing, doesn't matter..." I mumbled embarrassed by my big mouth.

"No go on." He pushed.

"It was only for staying, no gossip or anything."

"Oh, well it's fine but you've already said it."

"Well that's because I mean it, I-I am ya' know, errrm grateful and everything."

"It's fine honestly." He mumbled and then hugged me closer. He doesn't take compliments well at all, I know that he doesn't know how much I appreciate this. I shuffled myself up and over his side so that I was lying completely on top of him. Chest on chest, legs on legs, arms around waists. I propped my elbos up on the bed and rested my chin in my hands so that I was looking at him directly in the eyes. He looked funny from this angle. But even with a slight double chin he was still hotter than anyone I'd ever seen or will ever see. His eyebrows were raised and his mouth was open in surprise, probably from the amount of contact we were sharing. I explored his curls with my eyes.

Each individual hair flowed in its own shape. Most grouped together to form his quif, all of the hundreds of curls and the shaggy part at the top of his neck. But thousands of them sprouted and sprung in crazy directions creating fluffy and bouncy curls behind his ears and at the top of his forehead. His ears were perfectly sized and poked out occasionally as they were tucked inside of his locks. I followed his jawline smoothley. My eyes rolled over the sharp and defined line, I marvelled at how hot it made him look. It swept down into his perfectly curved chin which crafted the shape of a perfect, perfect face. His lips were plump and dry. So, so kissable. I imgained the roughness and softness my lips would feel as we crashed and moulded together. There was no upper lip hair and I thought it was so cute. His nose slipped down from his eyebrows and created the perfect mirror line for his exceptionally symetrical face. I traced the lines up to his eyebrows and fell in love all over again. His eyebrows were manly but were kept neatly, boldly underlining the title for his eyes as if they were a story that was ready to be told. They started flutter beutifully, like a butterfly swooping through the air. Watching him sleeping made me yawn too and before I knew it, Harry was in my dreams too.


"LOUIS!" wHAT IS THAT?? Errr too bright. Urghhh.

"LOUIS!!" Why is someone shouting at this time of the day?! Godddd urghh. I blinked an eye open heavily and the light penetrated straight through it and sparked a headache. Oww. Wait, this doesn't feel like my bed. I opened my eyes ignoring the light, curious and scared to find out where I was. Louis was sitting up looking very startled, topless and straining his ears to hear what that sound was.

"Morning." I croaked and wrapped the covers around my neck tighter. I'd moved down from my pillow so I was just lying flat on the mattress. Seeing Louis seemed to make the noise make sense that was, until it sounded again.

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