Warm Are We?

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I slid the shower door open and watched the mirror start to mist up. This is so risky, taking a shower with Louis around. He could burst through the door any minute with a camera and just destroy my life there and then. With that thought in mind, I pushed lightly with my knee against the chair I barricaded the door with. I put the washing basket on top of the chair and then put the bin inside of that to add more weight and the door harder to open. Just in case. Just in case. Why did I even say yes? Because you're too chicken to say no. True, true. I wonder what he's doing... I left him to get changed in my room but I bet one gazillion pounds that he's not. I pulled the towel around my waist and rubbed it lightly over my stomach. I turned around as I stretched, trying to find my clothes. Where are they? I twisted as far as I could and let my towel fall to the floor. Where are they?? Please no. Please no! Don't say I've forgot them! Nope, no, no, no, no, no. I frantically whipped around the bathroom for a piece of clothing, even boxers. But, with my luck, there was obviously nothing. Kill me now. I picked the towel up and wrapped the towel around my waist in frustration. Urghh. God hates me. I dragged the chair backwards angrily and threw the washing basket down onto the floor, not bothering to take the bin out of it. Nothing ever goes my way. I snatched for the handle but I missed. Are you kidding me? I gave the door a death glare and viciously grabbed the handle. I yanked it downwards and threw it open. Finally.

I stepped out and stormed to my door. I placed my hand on the door to push it open. Wait, what am I doing? I cant just walk into my room like Louis' not there. My usual shaky, pathetic self returned and my anxiety started to build up. My heart started to speed up and I started to immediately regret my confidence. Oh God, what am I doing? Turn back, turn back. I was paralysed. My feet were stuck to the floor. Go on Harry, it's no big deal. Any normal person would just walk in. Yeah well I'm not normal am I? He's probably asleep. Yeah right. Well think, where are your clothes? Make a plan. Ok right, I know that there's a pair of boxers on the back of my chair. Ok you can just run to them, grab 'em and run back out. Then you can get changed in the bathroom and then go back into the room, he's seen you in boxers before. At least it's better than nothing. Ok, great. Let's go. Let's go. My feet didn't move. C'mon Harry. Just. Move. Your. Feet! I flung myself at the door and stumbled into the room.

My eyes widened like a deer stuck in headlights. I looked frantically around the room for Louis, my pulse thundering through my head. He was there, looking through my wardrobe. Nosy little- no Harry go now! Oh yeah. I ran over to my chair and as I grabbed for my boxers I skidded into the chair. It smashed into the desk and my cup of pens knocked over. They rolled all over the desk and my head snapped up to Louis. He turned around suddenly and my breath hitched in my throat. GO! I snatched the boxers and darted out of the room.

"Hey!" Louis called as I slammed the door shut and skidded back into the bathroom kicked it shut and then slumped down the back of it. Whooooo. I panted deeply and the adrenaline pumped around my weak body. I am so unfit. At least I got them. I rubbed my thumbs over the smooth fabric until they ran over a hole. I stretched them with my hands until the hole was fully open. Well that's great. A hole in my new boxers. Arrrrgh. I let my head fall back until it hit the door numbly. Ow. I closed my eyes waiting for something to happen. Anything. C'mon. Just something. Nothing? Right.

"C'mon." I muttered under my breath and heaved myself up from the floor. Urghhh my back. I stretched so that my finger tips were closely grazing the ceiling and I folded back down with a sigh. I reached down for the boxers and scooped them up. I climbed into them and stood up still gasping for air.


Well that was hilarious. A but-naked Harry standing less than a couple of metres away from me. His face though! Hahahaha! But he caught me. What? I just wanted to see his clothes. And maybe smell them all deeply. And feel how soft they were. And check his size. And maybe nick a top. You know, just to borrow. Forever. What? I am normal. But never in a million years would I expect Harry Styles to just wonder in here naked. Did he forget his clothes. Ahahaha he's so dopey! I felt a grin start to spread on my lips and I slapped myself on the cheek. Stop it you idiot! I shook my head and peeled my top off so that I was just standing in my boxers. Well never would I have thought he'd say yes to letting me sleep his house either. Alone especially. Oh well, first time for everything. And it's not like I'm complaining or anything, I've got the better end of the stick! I folded the duvet back and climbed into the right side of the bed because I could tell that Harry sleeps on the left from the head-shaped print on the pillow. I leaned over and smelled it. It was exactly like his hair, the strawberry shampoo but it smelt a bit more 'homie' I guess? I rolled back over and lifted my hands above my head like I was sun bathing. I sighed and breathed in the silence. This was nice but I wanted Harry, where is he? Just as I thought that, a small, curly haired head popped around the door. He saw me looking and averted his eyes to the floor. Cute. He scuttled in, closed the door quickly behind him, and speed walked over to the bed with his arms crossed tightly over his stomach. Nice sight. He ripped back the covers and then wrapped himself in them up to his chest. Covering his exposed body seemed to relax him as he breathed out deeply. I chuckled.

"Warm are we?" I smirked. He looked at me and pulled his face to protest.

"I didn't mean to! I-I forgot my clothes!" He tried to defend himself.

"Idiot." I smirked again, I knew that I was kidding but it didn't look like Harry did.


"Hey I was joking." I laughed and wrapped my arms around his body. I pulled him close into my chest and he tried to pull away. It was a bit awkward because my arms were wrapped around the duvet and he was inside but I had hold of him anyway. I took my chance and sneaked my arm under his neck so that I was under the covers too. Our bare bodies were touching and his warmth was comforting. I sighed as I hugged him closer and he snuggled further into my chest. Looks like he's given up his struggle to get away.

"Night Louis." He yawned and buried himself even deeper into me. Oh he's sleeping on me? Yes!

"Night Harry." I smiled and kissed the top of his curls.



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