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I slipped out of my jacket and hung it on the peg in front of me. Two more boys walked in and I realised that they were twins. They didn't look at me with fear or pity today though, but I'm pretty sure that's because Louis isn't here. He had walked with me over here but didn't come in because he was going to be late for his lesson. I was getting ready towards the back of the changing rooms like last lesson because I don't really know the other boys, apart from Ed and he wasn't here yet. I turned around to face the wall and tugged my top off. I let it fall to ground quickly and snatched my sports top from my bag. I rammed it over my head and squeezed my arms through the sleeves before anyone had the chance to see me. At least today I didn't have to worry about Louis spying at me. I kicked my shoes off and then changed into my shorts. I sat down on the bench and tied the laces to my trainers. Before I knew it, I was ready- and incredibly bored.

I turned around to my jeans which were now dumped on the bench and squeezed my phone out of the pocket. I slid the lock screen opened and heard the familiar click. I looked up when I heard a noise but it was just some boys laughing so I looked back down to my phone. I scrolled through the endless selfies on Instagram but was suddenly interrupted.

"Hi!" I looked up startled and saw the twins standing right in front of me. I looked at them in confusion, they can't be talking to me can they? Ed said that everyone was scared of Louis, I'm practically a direct line to Louis. I turned around to see if the person they were talking to was behind me. Embarrassingly, for the second time this week, I was once again looking at a wall.

I slowly turned around feeling the blush beginning to rise on my cheeks. I could hear the twins chuckling but it wasn't the 'I'm-trying-to-humiliate-you-you're-such-an-idiot' laugh Louis gives me. It was more of a 'that-was-funny-but-we-don't-mean-to-offend-you' kind of chuckle. My eyes locked with one of the twin's but I snapped them down to my lap. I balanced my phone on top of my jeans again and nervously twirled my hair around my finger.

"Errrrm... We thought you looked a bit lonely so we thought we'd come and talk to you." One of the twins said. I just nodded keeping my head down, trying to control my blush.

"I'm Jack!" One of the twins said happily.

"And I'm Finn!" The other said, just as chirpy. I lifted my head to shake their out-stretched hands.

"Harry Styles." I shyly smiled which was returned by two, toothy, over-excited grins. The twins then took their cue to sit down on the bench opposite me.

"So, you hang out with Louis Tomlinson?" Finn or Jack asked. I tensed at the sound of Louis' name, I knew that there was something that they wanted. The twins sensed it.

"I-I didn't mean to.... you know.... upset you. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to-" Jack, I think, said with caution. "-but you can if you want to." He said with hope. I tried to relax and I breathed out heavily. Where's Ed? He'd tell them to leave me alone.

"No it's fine but... if, if it's ok with you, I-I kinda, like don't, I mean, errrrrm.... No." I miserably stuttered and just ended up shaking my head and looking down at the floor. I put my elbow on my knee and leaned my forehead down onto my hand.

"Sooo, errrm, what football team do you support?" One of them asked awkwardly.

"I don't really." I muttered, wishing that they'd just go away.

"Ok, errrm, what music are you into?" They asked again, trying to make conversation. I lifted my head up in interest because music is a big part of my life. It's got me through a lot of rough patches and it's usually the only thing there for me.

"Well you know... Depends on my mood, but I'm really into this ba-"

"Hey Curly! I have your planner for some reason and I-"

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