Woah Indeed

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It was pretty cold outside and I was wondering if spring would ever start to kick in. It was March 31st meaning that it was April tomorrow meaning winter should have ended two months ago. The pavements were sprayed with patches of frost and the air was fresh which nipped at my ears and nose.

There was no one in town, spare the odd person passing us. It was strange to see so many shops still with their closed signs up and the roads so empty. Ed insisted on getting here early but I doubted the shop would be open.

"Are you sure it'll be open?" I asked him as I pulled my coat tighter around me.

"Yeah it opens at 9 and it's already half past so we'll be fine."

I nodded in response and we carried on walking down the cobbled paths. The street entered the main centre now where there was only one main pedestrian path and no roads.

Shops lined up beside each other on both sides and my eyes rolled along there display windows. Sweet shops, clothes shops, jewellers, toy shops, post offices, electronics-

"To ya left now mate." Ed motioned and lead the way up to a solid black door to our left. He stopped at the door and I wondered why he wasn't entering. "Maybe it doesn't open so early." He pondered and I stood to the side of him to see what he was looking at.

A sign nailed to the door read in gold lettering: Mon-Fri 9:00-5:00 Sun 10:00-4:30. So I was right then.

"Starbucks?" I asked.

"Starbucks." He repeated, turned around and led the way further into the centre of town.

The warm air spilled over us in a rush as I opened the store's door and Ed shut it hastily. I breathed in the warmth and started to unbutton my coat as we walked up to the counter. I ordered a simple hot chocolate and Ed just got a tea, we're an exciting bunch, and we sat on one of the smaller sofas.

"Now what?" Ed huffed as he plopped down onto the sofa, forgetting about the scalding drink in his hand. I could tell that he was annoyed with himself but there wasn't much I could do.

"Drink these I suppose," I shrugged, gesturing to my hot chocolate slightly. "We've only got half an hour to kil anyway." Then I slurrped on my drink and burnt my tongue. Great morning so far.

"Why are we up so early?" I moaned again but Liam carried on walking with his shoulders hunched slightly.

Harry likes lie-ins he wouldn't have made me get up so early, especially not on a Sunday. I yawned sloppily and my breath swirled out of my mouth and into the air like a dragon's fire.

"You're so lazy." Liam shook his head.

"It's not lazy, it's tired."

"Tired from doing what? Sleeping too much?" He smirked.

"No your mum kept me up all night last night." I smirked back and he punched my arm playfully.

"Shut up." He slurred and I smirked even more.

"No one beats the Tommo, Payno."

"I'll show you Payno in a minute."

"Oooh noo, I'll need your mum kiss it better again." I held my hands up in surrender and laughed as Liam looked mortified.

"Why you little-" And then he started to chase me at full pelt down the pavement but I was always one step ahead of him laughing all the way.

We stumbled into town, breathless and red-faced but it was so early that there was no one there to be embarrassed in front of.

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